Last Saturday I worked with a client who had identity issues. It was wonderful channeling spirit guides for her. They came right in at the beginning of the session revealing her issues.

I had no idea why she had come to see me, but they stepped in and hit all her issues without my even thinking about it. They said she was uncertain about her life, where she was going and needed validation of her purpose on earth.
As well, from her hips to her feet was covered in red light, the color of insecurity and uncertainty.
I began this journey of soul healing by inadvertently turning on my ability to channel spirit guides. I did not know what I was doing when I began.
I had met a man through a synchronicity in New York Central Park, after I asked my destiny be revealed. He took me to his reader in Northern Manhattan. I was told my guides were trying to speak to me.
I went home and VOILA! I was channeling spirit guides.
CHANNELING SPIRIT GUIDEs is very similar to channeling Angels.
As far as I can tell there is no difference, except for the names of what we call our guides. I started doing this over thirty years ago, so when I began we called it channeling spirit guides.
Now people call it channeling angels.
How can I be so certain? Because I sat as an intuitive in an Angel Healing Circle from 2006 to 2008. The practitioners in this circle were Angel Channels.
When a client asked a question of us on the panel, our answers were almost identical! It was truly amazing and a miracle to experience.
Channeling Spirit Guides offered the same messages as Channeling Angels!
Working with spirit is truly an honor, privilege and a miracle. It is truly amazing to be able to provide validating, healing and accurate information channeling spirit guides for a client.