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When my mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer at the ripe old age of 85, I decided it was time I explored the reality of the other side. Do we continue or don’t we?

I wanted to know for certain my mother would continue after taking that short walk into the grand abyss of spirit. Where would she go? Would I ever be able to speak to her again?
So I engaged in taking a number of mediumship classes. I already was a natural spirit channel, however, little did I know who or what I was channeling.
I was told my main guide was St. Ignatius Loyola, but I did not trust this message. Interestingly enough, I found out years later, St. Ignatius Loyola is the main entity John of God of Brazil channels! Wow!
Back then I was not convinced my channeling had put me in touch with anything resembling reality.
Now years later I realize how much I had shortchanged myself. At that time I didn’t trust what came through even though I had been doing mediumship. It had been so natural and easy for me, I did not think it could be real.
For example, when I was selling my condominium I asked spirit if they would supply me with a marketing plan. In came the spirit of a newly deceased real estate agent familiar with my area. I was thinking to myself, “This is very strange.”
This realtor advised me to ask for an “out of this world price.” She said not to worry about it because an investor would be visiting from New York as a cash buyer looking for property like mine.
I did not listen. It all seemed too outrageous and unbelievable to me so I rushed to sell my condo for the much lower “market price.”
Two months later I ran into a neighbor who owned a condominium down the hall from me. She sold her almost identical condominium to the New York investor for the exact exorbitant price the “spirit” had told me I could get!
Still choosing to believe my connections to spirit were value less , I went to study mediumship. I studied with one well known local medium and others. One teacher had studied at the well known school, Arthur Findlay College in England. Each teacher proceeded to confound, confuse and contradict what I naturally did.
I remained in this state of confusion for quite some time. I was convinced mediumship was very difficult and I was not a medium.
MEDIUMSHIP TRAINING – FREE INTROS. Join our mailing list HERE to obtain free introductory training to our classes.
Finally after struggling through mediumship on my own, I watched psychic medium friend of mine ( in action. She very naturally received information from the dearly departed, like she was channeling it.
It looked so effortless and natural, like what I had been doing naturally for over twenty five years, when I channeled my spiritual guides.
I had been going about mediumship all wrong. I had been trying to use techniques the teachers taught, but ignored my natural way to connect to spirit.
As soon as I started to connect to the other side as I did to channel, the situation corrected itself. All at once I was rocking with the other side. Speaking to spirit became very fluid for me.
The moral of this story is. Use your natural way of working.
MEDIUMSHIP TRAINING – FREE INTROS. Join our mailing list HERE to obtain free introductory training to our classes.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private sessions. Her areas of expertise include mediumship (other side, manifesting and medical) and mentoring (mediumship and spiritual entrepreneur). Book HERE. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or