CHAKRA THERAPY ANIMALS. Animals can benefit from chakra therapy too. Read this article to learn about this from personal story.
My cat Sassie has been diagnosed with kidney disease. If you know anything about holistic healing, you might agree that healing starts at the soul level.
There usually are systemic emotional issues behind most illness, even if the illness was there at birth.
If you have done any research about the famed Brazilian healer, John of God, you would know that after he does a psychic physical healing, he sends his “patients” back to their hotel room for 24 hours of uninterrupted contemplation and rest.
It is during this time that the Divine Entities with which he works come in and provide the psychological spiritual healing to remove the root cause of the illness.
If you are curious here is a video by a Clairvoyant who went to get healing from John of god and had full awareness of this portion of her healing, due to her psychic spiritual gifts.
You can hear Gail Thackray’s story at 18 minutes into this audio.
Today I personally witnessed this type of healing process was in effect for my little cat.

Suddenly I was inspired to go to her heart chakra as she bellowed a screaming meow into the room. Each time she had done this meow in the past, I assumed it was pain or discomfort due to her illness.
I thought it odd, however, that if I went to comfort her, speak to her softly and caressed her, she would stop crying.
If she had been in pain, I reasoned, wouldn’t her crying continue? However, she would stop crying when I gave her loving attention and recognition.
Today I had this inspiration to go to her heart chakra and send in the healing light of green, which is part of my Chakra Therapy system (available to human and animal clients virtually or in person), I discovered something rather odd.
When I was there I surprisingly saw the color Yellow, mixed in with green, which is the correct color for this Chakra. Yellow stands for the solar plexus Chakra.
In a human this would symbolize the problem of not feeling accepted or loved enough.
I know this particular cat had been rejected as a kitten, being returned to a shelter due to allergies of the owner. Before I adopted her she had endured an entire year of being confined to a cage in that shelter.
Due to the fact I had another cat too, this cat did not get much one on one time with me. I was not as bonded as I could be with her, had she been my only cat.
Fast forward 16 years to today.
As I realized her heart Chakra revealed an emotional issue, I decided to do for her what spirit has me do for humans. I went to that Chakra, then all the other Chakras and healed them energetically.
I Googled to learn what a kidney issue would mean for a human. I found this for Kidney Issue, “Bottled-up anger that hasn’t been dealt with,” from this web page
I do not think animals get angry. Here is a quote which substantiates my observation.
“Anger requires a mental component that scientists do not believe animals possess,” taken from
However, anger is a part of the solar plexus domain so I will stick with my initial read on this. She had an unresolved solar plexus issue related to not feeling loved, showing itself in her heart Chakra.
When I was through with the Chakra healing my little fur baby was purring and her eyes were rolling to the back of her head, seemingly enjoying this immensely.
I will check on her daily now and do more healing with her.
Perhaps this might even help heal the kidney disease. Hopefully at the very least it will heal her emotional self, giving her more love as she moves towards transition.
ANIMALS and LOVE. After years of observing animals I believe animals express all emotions in the language of love.
They seem to ooze love when they are loved. When they are mistreated, they seem to distort and become hostile.
Here is a quote from an article from “Psychology Today” substantiating this observation.
“There is some evidence that [animals] are capable of experiencing the same range of emotions as we can…
Your dog or cat doesn’t regard you merely as a food dispenser. Pets as well as zoo animals form strong attachments to their caregivers. As attachment is a form of love, animals are indeed capable of loving their caregivers.
Dogs have been reported to love their masters so deeply that they mourn their death for many years. ”
Read full article here:
In love and light,
To book your private session with Laura go to
PS. I give my cat this product from Amazon to help with the kidney failure. It really revived her after I discovered she had this disease.
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