When I was younger I was able to manifest things I wanted in the area of money almost immediately by using clarity.  I would simply journal on what I did not want relative to a particular monetary goal, usually a job, and then turn that into an “I WANT” statement. soon as I knew what I wanted I would be able to find it, see it and manifest it.

For me this worked better in the area of money than in the area of love.  For love I would have to use the technique of release.  That was my secret to manifesting love.

Back to Clarity.  So by gaining clarity on what I wanted I was able in one step to stop resisting what I did not want.  This is called the Spiritual Law of nonresistance.

This is the first step in the Soul Abundance channeled system from spirit.  It is called Let Go of resistance to what you do not want.

There are various ways to superimpress this release upon the subconscious but for today we will focus simply on journaling.

Take a moment to get quiet in listening to a meditation.  Here is a beautiful one I found on called LOVE.  Go HERE.

As you listen to this audio preferably with earphones, start to think about a situation in your life that you would like to improve.

Take out a piece of paper.  Drawa line down the center of it.

On the left begin writing a list of everything you do not like about this situation.  Next to each thing you do not like, describe in the column on the write the opposite to what you do not like.

For exammple, if you do not like working from home because it makes you feel lonely, or sluggish, write that in the left column.  Then in the right column write “I have a way to work that is stimulating and exciting.”

Note we did not try to solve how the work is done.  We merely stated the essence of it would be exciting and stimulating.

This is another principle of manifesting.  To be specific in the essence of what you want, not in how it is done.

Wishing you well on your journey to creating the life of your dreams.


Spirit Medium Laura

Soul Abundance Course HERE.

Book with Laura HERE.