CHANNELING SPIRITS: Golden Cord Manifesting Meditation. This is a transcription of channeling done on 5/25/15 from The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura.
If you would like a private session with Spirit Medium Laura to channel your own Divine Beings, just book here:

We come in as one voice, for in spirit we are all unified, all love you. You all have the same purpose; to understand who you are and to live that potential to its fullest extent.
You have not come to earth to suffer oddly enough. No rather you come to reach your potential, to understand how to co-create with the master creator and to understand that you are part and parcel to the all that is. You are a part of that energy.
So we show this to you this evening. Please allow yourself to participate. The first issue that stops you from doing well would be self-esteem. When you understand that you truly are one with the all. When you are as powerful as God because you are part of got then you will understand that you are magnificent.
We do not mean you should become boastful or that you should aggrandize yourself, but what you should do if we would be so bold as to “should” is that you should understand that you are not a weak artisan, but rather a powerful creator in your own life and as you sit and meditate on a daily basis seeing things as you truly want them in meditative states, declaring themselves you begin to participate in creating your own desired results
There is no lack. There’s nothing that you cannot have but the first step to achieving everything that you want is to claim it for yourself, so if any of you in the audience are feeling separate from something you want we would like to give you another exercise today, another creation exercises.
It is very very simple. The simplest things are the best. So we would like each of you waiting in the queue [radio show queue] or if you’re listening to this another time we would like each of you to see in front of you something that you’re wanting. It could be loved in a relationship. It could be money in a job.
See it front of you. If you cannot actually see it because you’re so blocked in that area then look for a symbolic object. For example, if you want love you might think of a heart. If you want money you might think of a dollar sign or a sign for currency.
Whatever it is that you are desiring now for a moment it looks as if your separate from it because it is outside of your. Now we will use what we call the golden cord exercise.
CHANNELING SPIRITS: Golden Cord Manifesting Meditation
Here Is the Golden Cord Exercise
We would like you to imagine that from your heart center, where your heart is, that out of it is growing a beautiful line made of golden light, an actual cord grows out.
It starts to look like a plant, a beautiful golden vine with flowers on it. Notice how your plant is moving towards the object you desire, moving closer and touching what it is that you want.
Now imagine coming back from the object you desire, a counter energy. That energy moving towards you is pink light, the light of unconditional love. Some call this Christ Consciousness, but we call it a conscious divine light.
Now see this light traveling back towards you through the golden vine now. It is lighting itself as it moves towards, the beautiful pink golden light. Follow the light into your chest and now feel the warmth of connection to that which you desire entering your body entering your energy system, coming into your life.
This is your golden cord meditation. It can be used as a manifesting meditation each day.
We will say goodbye now and we hope that you enjoyed this particular message.”
If you would like a private session with Spirit Medium Laura to channel your own Divine Beings, just book here: