DREAM ANALYSIS: Spirit Visitations

DREAM ANALYSIS:  Spirit Visitations

Last night I had an extremely clear dream with my mother, who now resides in spirit world.  I had remarkably vibrant dreams of her right after her passing, but that was over 12 years ago.

The dreams faded off over time, as they are wont to do.  However, last night I had a really clear one from her.

It was a warning to me about a soul mate in my life, whom I was trusting, but saddened by on a continuing basis.

She very clearly told me something about his whereabouts of which I was not aware, which saddened me further.

Then I awoke.  I have found when I have a dream my subconscious considers important more often than not, I will wake up.

Spirit usually use your dream state as their first choice to communicate with you.   If you would like to have better communication with a loved one in spirit during your dream state you can do so following these steps.

1. Before retiring ask for your loved one to come through.  I did not ask my mother to come to me last night, but I had done some prayer work about the subject that was bothering me.

2.  Keep a dream journal notebook by your bed.  As you awake from your dream write down what you remember of it.  If you do not wake up right after the dream, still spend time with your journal within 5 minutes of arising to write down any dreams you remember.  These memories fade quickly.

3.  Soon you will begin to have better recall of your dreams, if you start to pay more conscious attention to them with this journaling technique.  The more you ask for a loved one to come through, with deep feeling behind this request, and the more you pay attention to what you do dream, the more you will begin to have wonderful spirit visitations in your dreams.

4.  NO DREAMS?  If you very rarely dream, it can be one of two things.  You are not remembering them, which can be remedied by above steps or you have low melatonin levels.

You could choose to take a Melatonin Supplement to see if this increases your level of dreaming.  Check with your licensed health professional before taking any medication or supplement.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Laura at BookLaura.com