Create Heaven On Earth (Channeled)

When you see yourself as connected to the whole you are able to create your reality at will with a constant state of miracles. When they become regular (your miracles) you will find that you have entered a higher vibration.

It is important to know about yourself first before attracting love.  Love is a wonderful thing but if you do not yet have a strong relationship with self your love will be superficial and attempt to make up for a deficiency inside.

Those that are falling in love but without a true base of love within themselves for themselves will not be able to sustain love.

Image via Wikipedia

It is an easy thing to do, to forget that without yourself you cannot love.  You need to love yourself first and more than that you need to know yourself.

When we say know yourself we do not mean know your name, or occupation or health quotient.  We mean to know your heart, your soul and your essence; who you are at a fundamental level.

Most individuals on earth are really not sure who they are inside.  Oh, yes they go about taking things in for consumption and then think that they are the things they consume;  like a car, a wife, a house, a country, a location.  You are not any of those things.

You are not what other people say you are either.  You are more than that.

You are not what your teacher in school said you were – an A+ or a C-.  You are more than that.

You are the sum part of all your parts, but you are more than that.

You are distinct, creative and knowledgeable.  You have a heart.  You are functioning at a deeper level than the material world always.

When you start to get in touch with this underside, this foundation part of yourself, you begin to see who you really are.

It starts with your feelings.  So if you have no feelings or cut them off you will have trouble with this step.

This step is not only integral to discovery of self, but it is integral to having what you want in life; having love and other things of the heart.

When you do not know the heart or are not in touch with the heart it is difficult to be the heart and to connect with others in the way of the heart.

So caste forth your net unto yourself.  Not into the world but into your heart.

See what you think about things.  Pay attention to how you feel everyday and every moment of every day.  Do not let a minute pass where you are not actively observing your emotional self.

Again we say emotions are the key to learning about your heart.  It is always about how you feel.

How do you feel today?  Do you feel bored?  Are you happy?  Do you feel limited or confined?  Are you in a heart swell of activity to focus on the external, versus the internal world of you?

Let it all be correct.  Do not tell yourself that one thing or way of being is better than the other.  Let it all be right and good for yourself at this point in time.

When you understand that it is all good, great actually, you will begin to open up more to yourself and your true feelings about your experiences and life.

Let it be inside that your truth comes from.

Use the outside, the externals, as a way to enter your truth. 

Again it is not better or worse to focus inside or outside.  Both have value.  It is when you only focus on outside of you, then you will have problems and vice versa.  If you are always focused inside but have no attention to externals you will have problems, as well.

The problem will be in knowing your heart.  Your heart is the mixture of duality.  It is the link between the unseen and the seen.  It is the bridge between the two worlds, one of spirit and one of solids. 

Your heart is the road to unification with source and God.  As well, it is the road to unification of all duality, which is only an illusion.

What we are saying is the road to heaven is through unification, where you do not see yourself as separate but rather as connected to the whole.

When you see yourself as connected to the whole you are able to create your reality at will with a constant state of miracles.  When they become regular (your miracles) you will find that you have entered a higher vibration. 

Illustration of vibrations of a drum.
Image via Wikipedia

This is the vibration of source code.  It is the vibration of a more God like state.  Some call it the higher planes of living.  We call it life to be on earth.

We are inviting you to join us in the miracle vibration of the fifth plane when you are ready to do so.

This will allow you to experience abundance as a constant state, versus an irregular condition. 

God bless.


Note:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for personal consultations on creating your heaven on earth.  She can be reached at 954 465 7338 or


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