Your Power Is Your Problem (Channeled)

When you are steeped in resisting problems versus seeing them as opportunities to discover your true self, you will find your life is thwarted. You will struggle for everything and you will have what you might call “bad luck.”

When you see your problems as clues as to who you really are, and accept them as opportunities to solution, your life will become very magical indeed.

Your problems are your power.

Do you know that your power is in your problem?  Yes, this is so.  When you have a problem, become grateful for it, so its hidden meaning can be revealed. 

Image by Josh Bancroft via Flickr

When you begin to see the power behind the problem you will have reached Nirvana and you will have tools at your disposal for miracles.

So when you have a problem, be grateful for it!  Yes, being grateful for your problem will reveal things to you about yourself and your life and what to do next.

This will allow spirit to work with you and lead you on your path.

Your path is your power!  So if you allow yourself to be led on your path, you will find all doors will open for you that are correct.

This simply means that when you have a problem you will be led to the door to solve it.  So when a door is not open, simply say, “This is a great happening.”  Then ask for the new door to open to lead you.

When you operate this way in your life, you will find your life will take on the stuff of magic.  You will become miraculous in what you do.

Look at your problems as powerful opportunities to find your path.  The more you do this the better your life will become.

Ask for help when you have a problem, then wait for a solution.  If a door closes, that is not the solution.

Wait for another door to open.  This is probably the solution.  However, if it too closes then look for another and another until you find the right fit.

A contractor's solution to protecting the lime...
Image via Wikipedia

It is not easy to send you help from our realm.  There is all sorts of interference from thought waves.  So be patient with us.  We are listening and trying to help.

It is just that we cannot always help you instantly. 

There is a value in experiencing a problem for it will help you realize what you want.  So this is another reason for problems.  Listen to your reaction to problems.  Within your reaction to problems is the solution of what you really, really want.

This is your soul speaking to you constructively about what your heart desires.

Your desires, if they come from heart and soul, have the most power to make magic happen in your life.  Your heart desires come from an inner knowingness about yourself and your path on earth.  Your heart desires are the clues as to who you really are at a deep subjective level.  We call this the soul level. But it is known in many ways.

The most important aspect of yourself is this deeper level, for when you allow it to surface your life takes on a new energy.  This is the energy of your pre life plan.

When you are steeped in resisting problems versus seeing them as opportunities to discover your true self, you will find your life is thwarted.  You will struggle for everything and you will have what you might call “bad luck.”

When you see your problems as clues as to who you really are, and accept them as opportunities to solution, your life will become very magical indeed.

Your problems are your power.


NOTE:  Laura Mendelsohn is available for live spiritual psychic counseling in this area.  You may contact her at (954) 465-7338 or email at for your private session.  As well, there are various e-books available from menu at right for further help.


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