When you have a chemical reaction you make energy as a by-product. When you take energy and donate it, you create something new.
What this means is that energy makes and creates new things on your plane of existence. With the exchange of energy you are creating like a God in heaven. You are becoming more God-like.
(Channeled through Laura Lightseer from, “The Light Ones” who help people awaken the abundant flow in their life to make money.)
Article Excerpt:
“We on the soul plane (Unified, Geborah, Intuitive or Buddhic plane) of existence want to see energy exchange on earth. On our plane there is no longer an exchange of energy for we are already fixed in completion. In your plane energy exchange occurs to allow for chemical reaction. When you have a chemical reaction you make energy as a by-product. When you take energy and donate it, you create something new.
What this means is that energy makes and creates new things on your plane of existence. With the exchange of energy you are creating like a God in heaven. You are becoming more God-like.”
Deepak Chopra – The Way of the Wizard/Alchemy: The Art of Spiritual Transformation
There is a way to make money but you are not aware of it nor would you like it. It has to do with helping people. It is called work.
When you work you are helping others, you are in service. This is the way of the world in which you live.
So to make money is to help others. When you simply focus on helping and serving completely with that intention in mind, money will flow to you.
It will help if you add to that a component of joy in that when you help others by doing what you love to do the power of magnetic attraction is multiplied four or five fold.
These are secrets of the ages that we reveal to you.
Making money is not a secret nor is it a miracle. It is hard work. But when you focus on your gifts and talents in service you will find that others will flock to you over time. They will not be able to help themselves. They will want to help you back.
- Image by Eddi 07 via Flickr
The way to go about this is to find what you truly love to do above all other things. What is it that you love more than anyone else? What is it that you do better than anyone else, almost like you have an inner knowing about it and you cannot help yourself but do it.
When you identify your passionate work you are going to attract like a magnet all the people, places and things that you need to do to find your work.
Then you are going to be rewarded for this work with money or some sort of remuneration.
The law of the matter states that you cannot offer a gift to someone without being compensated. So even if you are doing your work as unpaid, eventually you will be paid in some way even if it not from the person for whom you are donating the service.
Your rewards might come from elsewhere.
- Image via Wikipedia
This is called the law of matter. All matter and material gifts must be compensated for with like intention. It is like the law of energy. The law of energy and matter are the same.
Yes, so when you are paying for something you are donating energy towards it and when you are giving something you are d
onating energy for it. When energy is exchanged miracles happen.
We on the soul plane (Unified, Geborah, Intuitive or Buddhic plane) of existence want to see energy exchange on earth. On our plane there is no longer an exchange of energy for we are already fixed in completion. In your plane energy exchange occurs to allow for chemical reaction. When you have a chemical reaction you make energy as a by-product. When you take energy and donate it, you create something new.
What this means is that energy makes and creates new things on your plane of existence. With the exchange of energy you are creating like a God in heaven. You are becoming more God-like.
So creation of energetic reaction is everything.
God bless.
NOTE: Laura is available for spiritual psychic abundance counseling, classes, public speaking and writing. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or by emailing “laura@TheIntuitiveMiracle.com”.