HOW TO FIND LOVE: What’s Your SOUL Got to Do With It?

HOW TO FIND LOVE:  What’s Your SOUL Got to Do With It?

I know. I know.  You must be thinking, “What the heck is Laura talking about here?”

“I want love.  I go out to find love.”  Simple, right?

You go online to do Internet dating.  You go out to dance, or Happy Hour.  You take up a hobby and smile at every possible opportunity.

Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women. 

Finding a Great Relationship.

Did you ever think about your part in finding love?  What do you, as a person, have to do with being a partner to someone else?

Do you know who you are?  Do you LOVE yourself, first?

Why am I talking this way?  Why do I pour water on your hot passionate dream for love?

Because I learned something very potent after losing at love.  This lesson brought back my ex, my dear soulmate came back to me.

Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women. 

Finding a Great Relationship.

If I had not learned my lesson, I would have lost him again so give me a few lines of your attention.

Begin by asking yourself, “What kind of relationship am I in with myself?”

You see, my dear chickadee, it is extremely important to be in a healthy relationship with yourself before you attempt to be in a love relationship with another?

What I see all around me is everyone is looking for a way to bury themselves inside of a relationship, as if it were going to rescue them from the hum drum existence of being alone in their own life.

Toxic in.  Toxic out.

Usually when you enter a relationship without a healthy self relationship you will look for it to complete yourself.  While the relationship will suffice for a while, inevitably it will be tested.

After the opiate of newness wears off, all that is left is an incomplete you and more than likely an incomplete partner.  A relationship can compliment you, but complete you?  No.

So your soul has everything to do with “How to Find Love.”

Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women. 

Finding a Great Relationship.

When you open your relationship with your soul in a holistic manner, you will discover who you really are.  You will open your personal dreams about your life and begin to fulfill them.

You will develop confidence and an attitude of “I can do this.”

The Spiritual Law of Vibration is always at work.  When you are looking for love to complete yourself, fulfill yourself, before you have done so for yourself, you will attract a person who is looking for the same thing.

According to the Spiritual Law of Vibration, like attracts like.

This will bring an inevitable collapse of the relationship.  Two people seeking fulfillment from each other before they have done so for themselves, can only create discord.

As you develop who you are, you will create a charismatic self, a self that is attracting its vibrational equivalent, someone who is fulfilling him or herself.

Now THAT is exciting.

Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women. 

Finding a Great Relationship.

So when you are searching for love, trying to discover how to find love, find yourself first.  After doing so, your vibrational equivalent will automatically attract to you.

One last point.  If you do not develop yourself, open your soul, who you really are, you will find your relationships are dysfunctional at best, and usually temporary.

Another benefit of Opening your Soul, is finding your soulmate.  Now that is a wonderful thing!

There are ways to Open Your Soul, so you can find the right love for you.  It is done in my HOW TO FIND LOVE course.

RSVP for that HERE.  After the class is over, you can find it archived HERE.

Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura

RESOURCES for How To Find Love

  1. Expert Dating and Relationship Advice for Men and Women. 
  2. Finding a Great Relationship.
  3. Book private session with Laura here:
  4. SOLVE your EVERYDAY PROBLEM with a SPIRITUAL SOULution by taking an E-Course HERE.