How many times have you asked for something and you got nothing? A zillion times? Does that number even exist? The thing is you have to set the stage to receive guidance. The main stage prop is SURRENDER! When you totally put your life in the hands of a higher power you will receive guidance. Sounds trite? Well, it is not trite. It is simple but not easy or trite.
As I sit in my home office this morning, my big fat white cat snores in the background.
Yes, things are not all that perfect at Laura’s mini-mansion in the marsh’s of south east Florida. They are fun, funny and dramatic, but certainly NOT perfect.

This leads me to my thought for today. “Why worry about nonsense when it all will change anyway?” As you can see I am feeling very “happy go lucky,” a great state of mind for being led by spirit.
We get so serious about everything, me included. We totally twist and trip ourselves into a knot, thinking we have to make everything happen in our lives.
Do you think spirit can help you if you are in a knot? I think not (excuse the pun).
But as you can see I am in a splendid mood this morning. Why? Well, my life is just the same as it was yesterday, when I moodily mooned over the land marshes out back. (Smile.)
But as the afternoon progressed, the emptiness of the weekend fell upon me. Although my work is stupendously gratifying, my personal life could use a little help right now, so the weekend held a particular poignancy.
I did a little praying. Well, better put, I felt I needed some help from spirit, so I cleared my head out completely, focused furiously and then said, “Spirit I need a catalyst. Bring me a sign.”
Within ten minutes I received three phone calls in quick succession, all doing just that! WOW! SPIRIT ANSWERS IF YOU ASK.
But how to ask? How many times have you asked for something and you got nothing? A zillion times? Does that number even exist?
The thing is you have to set the stage to receive guidance. The main stage prop is SURRENDER! When you totally put your life in the hands of a higher power you will receive guidance.
Sounds trite? Well, it is not trite. It is simple, but not easy or trite.

The way to do this is learning how to let go of what you don’t want in your life. First you have to pay attention to how you feel so your level of awareness goes up. How many times have you tolerated something toxic, only to have discovered its toxicity after it was removed? Ha!
A great way to raise your awareness is with meditation, gratitude and forgiveness exercises on a regular basis. This helps you discover where to set boundaries, separating you from what is toxic to you!
The next step is to learn how to open to what you do love. As you remove what is toxic by paying attention and then setting boundaries, you will create the space to add what you love into your life. By adding what you love into your life on a regular basis you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION and awaken your 12 ENERGY SECRETS.
You might have heard me bandy these terms about. This is because they are exceptionally important. I am even doing a twelve month seminar series on each of these subjects.
Energy is everything and your vibration is your energy.
After you begin aligning with your joy, your vibration rises to the higher frequency of spirit. In this frequency you are led. Spirit begins to respond to your requests very clearly, almost like receiving a phone call with the answer.
The last step to living in joy is to entirely receive your intuitive flow. Your messages about what to do next are your intuitive flow. You may ask for something and get a clear response. You may get a feeling to do something. You may have a magical coincidence.
Flow is your miracle. It is a higher vibration. It is spirit talking back to you. Flow is part of the miracle frequency of the ascension.
So if you are trying to get spirit to lead you, learn how to let go of the struggle. Be simpler. Surrender. Open to what you love.
Your vibration will align with a higher frequency. Then your flow begins. (By the way, these steps spell the acronym LOVE. They are your roadmap to the ascension miracle vibration. If you follow these steps you become The Psychic Millionaire, the first class in the Psychic School progression.)
All of a sudden you and spirit will begin a dialogue leading you on your purpose! This purpose is so powerful it is miraculous.
Open to your destiny and watch your miracles begin!
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, The Psychic Millionaire: Awaken Your Supernatural Genius, Channeling Spirit, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Soul Work coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or