How to Lose Weight Fast. From Plant Based to Keto the answer is the same. Satiate your soul first and the body will follow.
Introduction – How to Lose Weight Fast – Plants or Keto
Losing weight quickly is very easy to do if you know what you are doing. I will start with the practical food issues. However, your feelings and intuitive flow set the mindset for success.
If you want to know what foods to eat to lose weight fast the answer is simple for me. I eat a high fiber, low fat diet, filling up on greens, beans and grains. I minimize the oils, fats and sugars and drink plenty of fluids.
There is the Keto diet too. I have tried this way to lose weight but find it actually makes me crave carbohydrates so much, I usually cannot maintain it.
I just used this high fiber, low fat formula about a month ago to drop ten ugly rapidly increasing pounds on my frame. If I did not notice this, I would have continued to gain weight, as the momentum was definitely in this direction.
I had been in an accident, which caused me to lose my appetite and too much weight. When I noticed this, I started to add cups of olive oil to pasta dishes, eat half a greasy chicken at a sitting and devour chocolate for dessert.
At first nothing changed. I remained my thin self. Then all of a sudden I started to notice the pudgy, flabby midsection never went down to flat anymore.
First response? Add a tunic top to cover the bulges.
Second response? I realized I had gained weight. Wow. I hadn’t had extra weight on my figure for at least ten years.

I am the kind of person that loves everything about health and nutrition. I am a Certified Health Coach as a formality, but really I know much more than the coaching program as this subject fascinates me.
Whole Foods, Plant Based
This is what I did and do every time I want to lose weight fast and/or keep it off.
- Green and any type of vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, etc.
- Legumes, lentils, beans, chick peas, etc.
- Whole grains and whole carbohydrates like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti, etc..
- You can eat animal protein (but will lose weight faster if you do not) like learn dairy, fish, fowl or meat, but in small quantities about the size of the palm of your hand once per day.
- Drink a lot of water to wash toxins out of your body and all the fat with this.

Keto Diet
Yes, you can lose weight going the keto way which is
- Healthy fats like grass fed butter, organic olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, etc. This would be most of your calories.
- Animal protein like grass fed beef, free range chicken, wild caught salmon, etc.
- Greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, romaine lettuce, etc.
- Minimize all carbohydrates
I find for me the keto diet is very hard to maintain. I feel hungry a lot. For me the High Fiber, Low Fat method works wonderfully.
You can try both. See what fits you.
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How Feelings and Flow Can Help You Lose Weight Fast and Maintain Your Ideal Weight
If you know me I talk a lot about Soul Abundance. As applied to losing weight fast or maintaining a balanced frame it can be quite helpful.
When we gain weight something in our emotional, spiritual body is out of balance. We try to address this deficiency by feeding ourselves.
However food can never satisfy the ache within, the loss of never fully realizing our potential, our “secret” dream for each life time.
The hungry soul must be fed for the balanced physical to exist.
Feed your soul and the ideal body for you will flow to you.
I use the term flow because this is an intuitive process, not a harsh, I will lose weight quickly this week and forget about who I am in the process.
When you live in harmony with your true self, when you are working on your dreams for this lifetime, your life becomes exciting.
Overeating or under eating can actually get in the way of enjoying your life and living your dreams.
Do you feel you are in balance?
Do you feel you are living your dreams?
If the answer to these questions is “No,” then imagine you were.
Take a moment right now to evaluate your life. What do you daydream about? Why do you feel you cannot have this ideal life? What stops you?
The moment you decide you would like to step out of the “wanting” mindset and into the “Living” dream set, you begin to eat to live not live to eat.
This does not mean you will no longer enjoy your food. Quite the contrary. You will enjoy your food more, for you will explore each morsel of it with devout attention, savoring each morsel.
When you live to eat, you tend to eat more than you can taste.
Try this experiment next time you are about to have a delicious, favorite dish.
Wait until you are hungry. Then when you take the first bite, savor it. Taste it. Chew it slowly, gently swallowing it when you have enjoyed it completely.
Now continue to eat this dish. You will find after a few mouthfuls you do not taste it anymore. Your taste buds have become satiated and thus insensitive to the flavors.
This is true of perfume. Have you ever gone to a perfumery and tried to smell more than one or two perfumes. It is almost impossible even if you sniff coffee beans between each endeavor.
So it is with food. When you live to eat you do not even enjoy the food more. You enjoy it less.

How to Lose Weight Fast and Maintain Your Ideal Weight With Soul Abundance
Soul Abundance is a system to satiate the hungry soul, so that you eat to live not the other way around Here are five pages on this website that give you the steps.
Spirit Medium Laura
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