Did you ever think it was possible to increase the number of lucky coincidences (synchronicities) you experience? As warped as this seems, all of this does have a lot to do with intuition and intuitive development.

ATTEND THE INTUITIVE PLAYGROUND. 5/26/14, 9-10pm ET. Only $5. We will focus on Synchronicities and how to increase them. RSVP HERE.
I call it L.O.V.E.. If you LET GO of worry, handing your problems up to a higher power, while OPEN YOUR SOUL, or that which your heart truly wants, you start to feel and know your VIBRATION IS RISING. You start to ENGAGE in what I call GOD Flow.
GOD flow is the apex of SYNCHRONICITY & SYNCHRONICITIES. GOD flow consists of Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny or GOD leading you forward on your path. When you align with your higher power your inner self, your soul, you live at a higher vibration.
This higher vibration has built into it, guidance from God in the form of SYNCHRONICITY & SYNCHRONICITIES.
Here is a little test. Get really relaxed. Uncross your arms and legs. Focus on your breath from your abdominal area with eyes closed.
As you relax I want you to think of something that is really, really bothering you in your life right now. Something that if you could just wave a magic wand and remove would make you VERY happy!
Now think of its opposite. Think about how it would feel to completely obliterate this problem. This is your soul’s desire. This is something your inner self desires and is telling you is on your path.
Now state this desire out loud or in your head. Let yourself really feel what it would feel like to get this desire. State it, then wait for a minute.
See what pops into your head. Pay attention, for thoughts are sometimes there, but we do not recognize them!
What did you think of after you stated your desire? What was exactly the next thing you thought of? That, my friend, is spirit God speaking to you about the next thing you should do. If you do it, if you follow your guidance, you will find the number and amount of synchronicities you experience will start to increase.
As you get in touch with what your soul wants, listen to it, and ask for guidance, your vibration rises. In turn, so does the number and frequency of SYNCHRONICITY & SYNCHRONICITIES you experience in life.
It is possible to increase your luck. All you have to do is live at the higher frequency of your soul.
LEARN HOW: I am available for private sessions on this subject. As well I have video training and coaching on it. Just contact me at 954 465 7338 or email me at to learn how to increase your synchronicities now!
Obtain a FREE Video on Soul Purpose Magic for Law of Attraction Success, which is the formula to increase your SYNCHRONICITY & SYNCHRONICITIES, right now by joining our mailing list at top right of this screen.
Spirit Medium Laura