The concept of LET GO LET GOD just entered one of my readings for a lovely young woman.
Before we even began the reading spirit channeled a message through me for her. To put it succinctly, they gave me the words, “She was bungling over bull****!”

When we entered the reading her question was whether the man she was with was going to turn into a solid, committed relationship for her. The answer was the same.
She was told by her guides she was trying to control the situation by giving too much of herself in order to get him to act in a certain way. Ironically, the more she gave the less he gave back!
She was told to stop trying to make her boyfriend act in the way she thought he should. Start living her life and taking care of herself. This would allow her boyfriend the space to grow into the male energy he craved to be.
This “male energy” is what she desired of him, but did not realize she was preventing with her bungling over bull****!
LET GO LET GOD formula for your success
How many times do you in your own life want something so badly you think you have to control getting it. But then the more you try to attain your goal, the more illusive it becomes?
The more you learn how to let go and let god the better your life will become. This does not mean you do not have goals, dreams or objectives. Nor does it mean you do not put effort into attaining your dreams. Much the contrary.
It means you dream and then Let Go Let God. You do NOT worry how spirit will deliver your dream to you. You get really active about the dreaming, not concerning yourself with the how.
The more you dream and really, really nurture and luxuriate in the dreaming process, the more you set up the energy of attraction.
So dream big, really, really big. Make your dreams so luscious to your subconscious you will become inspired to take action.
LET GO LET GOD is a difficult step.
It is difficult to LET GO LET GOD, because it is natural for a human to want to control outcome. Our fear based ego makes us believe we must rush to attain that which we want. This prevents the miracle of LET GO LET GOD from working.
Let Go Let God does NOT mean you do nothing. It means you place your dream energetically out there, then look for inspirations, intuitions and insights to take action. You take action from your heart (God), not your head (ego).
The more you take action from your heart, the more you will be led by GOD (Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny). This is the LET GO LET GOD miracle.