Ever wonder why you are always ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time? The same failure haunts you over and over? People, places and time lines may change, but the bad stuff seems to be the same.

Ever wonder why you are always ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time? The same failure haunts you over and over? People, places and time lines may change, but the bad stuff seems to be the same.
Maybe you have gone to therapy, yet you still attracted another mate that disappointed you.
Perhaps you have accumulated lots of money, yet somehow you lost it to start all over again from scratch.
If you could talk with your soul, you might get some answers. Actually you might discover something so magical, so mystical as to make you wonder, “Why didn’t I see all of this before?”
Want to have crystal clear vision about yourself? Want to gain an omniscient perspective?
Well, talk to your soul!
“Aha,” you might say, “How the heck do I do that? And even if I could, what good would it do me?”
Well, I’ll tell you. Your soul does have an omniscient perspective. It knows things you do not. It knows you better than you know yourself.
It knows why all these “accidents” keep happening to you. Actually, it created them! Can you imagine? Your soul created the problems? Why?
Because it wants you to live at a higher level of functionality and joy. It wants to lead you forward in a magical way, a way in which your ego never could. Your soul is supernatural. It is above the limitations of physical nature.
Your soul has rewards for you. It can provide for you:
- Cathartic Healing.
- Magical manifesting.
- Release of blocks, limiting beliefs.
- Increased understanding and forgiveness of yourself and others.
- Increased feeling of peace and security.
- Connection to your secret dream for this lifetime.
- Fulfillment of your destiny, mission.
- Access to the meteoric power of The Spiritual Law of Desire.
- Increased flow, joy, bliss, abundant living, luck, synchronicities, intuitive hunches.
How are soul archetypes different from archetypes such as those revealed by Dr. Carl Jung, Dr. Joseph Campbell, Dr. Carol Pearson and Dr. Caroline Myss?
Archetypes are symbols within the collective unconscious. They can be used by the soul to communicate with you! When they are, they become Soul Archetypes or the language of the soul.
The Soul Archetype language is Psychic! Did you know the Greek word for soul is PSYCHIC?
It is no wonder then that the soul is your psychic portal or gateway. If you are a psychic reader and learn how to access Soul Archetypes you will become a Psychic Genius!
It will be as if the client’s soul told you what to say, because accessing Soul Archetypes creates a magical energy field between the two of you!
If you begin to use soul archetypes in your own life you will gain greater insight and wisdom, thus greater success.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is a psychic medium, author, teacher, public speaker and media guest. With 45+ metaphysic exposure, Laura’s life purpose and passion is to help you fulfill your dreams with SoulTalk. Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.