Changing Your Vibrational Frequency brings manifestation results. The shift can be instantaneous, easy and quite pleasant to do.

A Story About Changing Your Vibrational Frequency
The other day I decided to do a meditation listening to my most current version of blissful music. I have been drawn of late to Gregorian Chants.
I set the timer for a 15 minute meditation, then began to play this music.
Suddenly I felt like all my energy swooshed up out of the top of my head in one blissful current!
I felt amazing! I have found other types of music have produced similar feelings that move me.
When I was a teenager, I would play New Age music (Angel Love) which had a similar effect. It felt as if my consciousness had been bounced all around my room, then out the window and upward towards the stars.
One time after this consciousness expansion, I received an entire download of what infinity meant. I was shown how infinity goes upward, sideways and downward in all living things, ideas and beings.
I was only fifteen years old.

Music For Changing Your Vibrational Frequency
Music can be instrumental (pun intended) in changing your vibrational frequency.
Once your vibrational frequency is raised manifesting becomes a natural experience, rather than an effort.
As you place on your vision board what you really want from your soul you find these conditions unfold in the most unexpected ways.
If you are trying to manifest ideas from what you THINK you can have. what is possible from a scarcity mindset, you will be blocked and receive nothing.
Therefore, after changing your vibrational frequency with music, you must identify what it is you really want.

Magical Rituals
I have done three “rituals” in my life to manifest love. Each time the ritual worked within 14 days.
Recently it occurred to me the reason they worked so well is because I was identifying exactly what I wanted without concern for whether I could have it or not.
I thought the magic would talk care of everything. I didn’t concern myself with whether it was possible or not.
Funny, I know.
Then when I decided to do some manifestation using a vision board, I would write down what I thought I could have, what was practical, not what I really wanted.
I did this because I believed what I really wanted was not possible. Since I was not doing magic, but rather using co-creation manifestation techniques, I felt it more prudent to ask for practical goals instead of heartfelt desires.
Now I realize asking for what you really want, not what others say is possible, is an example of changing your vibrational frequency.

You Have Changed Your Vibrational Frequency When You Ask for Your Heartfelt Desires.
Your soul planned your life to achieve certain things. The entire set up of this magnificent experience you are having in this lifetime is based on what your soul planned for you.
Here is something from “Journey of Souls,” by Dr. Michael Newton, about the pre-life plan a soul does. His work comes from regressing thousands of subjects to their life between life in the spirit realm.
From this book, Dr. Newton explains the elements to consider during a soul’s pre-life planning.
“Our karma of past deeds towards humanity and our mistakes and achievements have all been evaluated with an eye toward the best course of future endeavors. The soul must now assimilate all this information and take purposeful action based upon three primary decisions:
* Am I ready for a new physical life?
* What specific lessons do I want to undertake to advance my learning and development?
* Where should I go, and who shall I be in my next life for the best opportunity to work on my goals?”

Pay Close Attention to What You Really Want
If you have a desire to do something pay very close attention to it. This is your soul speaking to you about where the supporting energy of your pre-life plan lies.
There are no accidents. You planned your life.
Success From Changing Your Vibrational Frequency
During one of my Gregorian Chant meditations I received a phone call.
I had been in an accident on a cruise ship about 7 months earlier. I had written to the CEO of the Cruise Line explaining what had happened to me, asking for some consideration.
I had hope, but heard nothing and forgot all about it.
When I finished my meditation I checked the phone, a message had been left by the cruise line.
Someone from the cruise line wanted to discuss my injury to understand what had happened. After I explained it, a week later I received another phone call.
They were going to refund my cruise fare!

That was a sign to me about what happens when we raise our vibration and frequency. A synchronicity occurred.
Not only can music raise your vibrational frequency, but asking for what you authentically desire at a soul level allows for immediate co-creation.
Spirit Medium Laura