So I have been “gardening” to manifest love. If you do not know what I mean by this read this article about how to use the visualization of your own garden to heal, then create conditions in your life. Go HERE.
I have been gardening up a storm. In my garden I have a huge money tree. I did not plan it be there. It sort of just appeared when I relaxed in meditation then visualized, daydreamed up, my garden. Money has been very great for me in the past and now.
No major blocks there.
However, in the area of love I had still several blocks. Funny, no really strange, how my garden represented these blocks to me perfectly in the form of a puny, rotting rose bush. lol!
After several sessions nursing it my rose bush began to flourish.
So last night I ventured out to see what might be in store for me socially. I went to a meetup where I met not one, but two men who were interesting and fun.
Then when I got up this morning a weird synchronicity on an online dating site had catapulted my profile to the top of the heap so I could be found. There were three new emails to me there.
Each one was appealing in its own right.
However, attracting candidates has not been my big issue. Falling in love, finding and keeping a compatible partner I liked has been. The one BIG SHIFT in me since I have been gardening my now flourishing rose bush is a “look” at myself.
I am observing my mistakes more, attempting to see what I have done wrong, and maybe can correct. So my garden is healing my blocks.
As well, last night I had a VERY VIVID dream about my unrequited soul mate love. Each dream you have is a way for your subconscious to bring forth healing to you. Even though the dream was a bit painful, I hope it was healing.
UPDATE. HUGE CHANGES IN MY REALITY. About two weeks after the post above, I have started to experience at first, subtle, then HUGE shifts in what I am attracting and what I am perceiving. Not only is there a change in the objective reality I am creating, but there has been a change in my subjective reality of what I am “seeing.”
For example, shortly after earlier post of meeting two new men, I found again both disappointed in the same way I had been experiencing in my life in general. Every one I met seemed to just not be right for me or right in themselves, unbalanced.
Guess I was unbalanced too. No, I know I was unbalanced otherwise I would not be attracting unbalanced candidates.
On Sunday after meeting these two new men, I heard from a man I had met about 2 months ago, from an online dating site. I did not like him when I met him.
I did not like either of the men I met Friday night as well. So there I was once again in a big zero space for love.
But a funny thing happened this week. I saw one of the men on Tuesday night. Stuck to my guns. Not a good fit for me.
Then I saw the online dating guy for lunch on Thursday. Good fit. Started to “see” what I did not see before. We have a lot in common. I felt attraction I had not before.
The third guy did show an appealing side as well. During the week he called me and showed such a kind side of his personality I had not seen before. I will meet two of the three men again this weekend, as you watch me LIVE live the Garden Manifesting Secret.
Have a great day all!
If you would like your private session building your garden set a session with me at