Mother Mary Ascended Master can also be known as Isis. This energy represents healing, nurturing and creation of life itself. If you are working with Mother Mary you have chosen to incarnate to help feminine energy know its power.
Mother Mary Ascended Master Meaning
The other day I had a client who wanted me to channel her Spiritual Guides (Angels). What came through was the name Mary (Mother Mary). As well, she was told she held Goddess Energy.
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She argued or challenged these messages a bit thinking she had a male guide who had come to her in a dream to lead her forward on her path.
While that was a significant dream the meaning of Mary and Goddess energy was extremely significant for her and her Destiny.
Our Destiny and our Spiritual Guides are interwoven. You are working with a particular set of entities that have a goal in common with you for spiritual evolution of mankind and other species.
This client’s dream, while profound, was just the top of her message. The underbelly of it was that she had come to help women move from meek to powerful.
She was a very successful entrepreneur who would be leading woman forward as she had already begun to do.
So, our Spiritual Guides are with us to accomplish specific goals we set for the life time we are in.
Mother Mary Ascended Master Meaning as an Entity With Which You Work
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Mother Mary is also Isis, which is a Goddess energy. Goddess energy has to do with empowerment of women or the female, receptive, creative and intuitive energy.
If you are working with Mother Mary you have come to earth to help women, in particular. You may even have challenges with women in this life time because your purpose centers around them.
You may have been overlooked by your own mother, or have a difficult female child, or have problems with your sexual identity as a woman.
These challenges are there for you to flow through them and become exactly who you are at the deepest most fundamental level.
The more you accept your true nature, the more you awaken its power. The more you relax into your identity as female, your power as receptive intuitive energy, the more power you will have.
Here is some channeling on this to help you awaken your female power and relax into your relationship with Goddess energy.
We are here to help those on earth awaken to their power, whatever that power is. Some of you have come to earth to heal, to help and to awaken others.
These helpers are all working with Goddess energy, even if their gender at birth is male. Goddess energy is indiscriminate to gender. It is energy.
Those that come in to heal others are working with a nurturing principle called Goddess.
Goddess energy is one of the most if not the most important powers that exist in the physical realm. Why? Because the Goddess is life itself.
The Goddess gives life, light and humanity to all situations. The Goddess is relevant, respectable and resolving.
The Goddess resolves conflict bringing healing and balance back to situations that might have otherwise offered conflict.
The opposite to Goddess energy is Masculine energy. This energy offers contradiction, conflict and revolution.
Both energies work together to create growth. One cannot exist without the other.
Those on earth today have a bit of both energies within their form, however, the Goddess at this time is prevalent and more powerful.
You cannot have Masculine energy without Goddess energy for the world would annihilate.
So remember if you are working with the nurturing healing principle of Goddess you bring life itself to itself.
You are the bringer of life.
The Ones of Masculine Feminine Energy through Spirit Medium Laura
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