GUT INSTINCTS: How to Trust Your Feelings

GUT INSTINCTS:  How to Trust Your Feelings

On Monday of this week I felt really funky.  I thought maybe my hormones were off, or a recent relationship problem was still nagging at me.  But really, to be honest, I was not sure what was going on.  The feelings were stronger than I usually would have for either of those reasons.

If there was something breakable in my home, I could have cracked it by directing these funky gut feelings on it at the time.  Really.

It felt like FEAR, a funky feeling in my gut, with the kind of flips you get when you are afraid of something.

So after deciding the feeling was FEAR, I thought the reasons for having this fear.  I realized then I never had these kinds of feelings because of hormones or a broken relationship.

This was a new feeling, filled with free floating anxiety, shortness of breath, and stomach flips.  All of this was occuring on a normal Monday with nothing different going on.

INSTINCTS:  How to Trust Your Feelings

The next morning I awoke to the bombings in Belgium.

I began to think.  Were my feelings a precognitive experience?   If so, I needed to pay attention to my feelings more than I have been doing.

Also, I began to realize, as I have done so many readings for others, my antennae to feel, know and see has expanded to a pulsing muscle picking up events before they happen.    All well and good, but now the question is how do I discern between my feelings?  What feelings are mine and what are psychic precognitive feelings?

This is a simple exercise you can use to help you ferret through your feelings so you can decide how to use them better to lead a more successful life.

1.  GUT INSTINCTS VOE.  Make a vow and then act on the notion that all feelings you have are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and not to be ignored.  Your feelings are your GUT INSTINCTS, given to you to avoid danger, become more successful and notifiy you of actions to take.

2.  ACTION.  The best thing to do is to meditate then journal on a daily basis.  This will attune you more and more to your inner guidance system, your gut instincts, or intuition.  But, alas, most of us do not even take the time to breath, let alone to sit with pen and pad to express our inner world into the outer one.

3.  COMPASSION.  So if you do not take the time to meditate and journal I recommend each time you get a GUT INSTINCT feeling to sit then and pay attention to it with pen and pad.  At least you will be doing this on an as needed basis.

INSTINCTS:  How to Trust Your Feelings.


Journaling is perhaps the most powerful tool we have to know, heal and express our self.  It is very inexpensive, far less than going to see a shrink.  So never underestimate the Journaling Tool available to you 24 x 7 to aid and help you.

4. ANALYSIS.  So if I had journaled on Monday about what I felt, I probably would not have thought I was having a precognition.   But by paying attention to our feelings.  Then following them into the future, we begin to create a roadmap to understanding them.

My understanding now is “the next time I feel funny flips in my stomach so hard I feel like I am going to die,” I will know I am now getting precognition about a dangerous future event.


Spirit Medium Laura