HAUNTED VERMONT. Follow a live, real tour into haunted locations in Vermont August 2018 with Spirit Medium Laura and her niece Rebecca.
I will be traveling to Vermont August 2018 from the 16th to the 20th. Planning on doing a Facebook live event with my niece Rebecca touring one or two haunted locations either on August 17, 18th and/or 19th.
I felt intuitively that Vermont would be an excellent place to do some ghost hunting because it has a rich, deep history of paranormal activity. When I researched it I found out this was correct.
You will be able to view the tour on my Facebook public figure profile page when I do it and afterwards. The actual link will be published here, however until then, my Facebook Public Figure page is https://www.facebook.com/SpiritMediumLaura/
This is the current tour line up.
Recommended reading:
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Saturday August 18, 2018.
Eddy House, Extract. “The Eddys were mediums from a young age, as evidenced by disembodied voices, pounding, house-shaking, and even vanishing in their cribs as infants. They also were said to play with ghostly children who vanished when others would draw near. They often went into trances or spoke in spirits’ voices. ”
Event Invitation:
PLAY The VIRTUAL VERMONT HAUNTING PSYCHIC GAME! WIN FREE READING with Spirit Medium Laura. LIVE from a REAL HAUNTED HOUSE in Vermont. (location to be revealed at end of event.)
Have FUN as you play this exciting psychic game from the comfort of your location.
1. Laura will lead you almost instantly into a psychic state.
2. Then she will be asking you a series of questions listed below about the haunted location.
3. The person that gets the most correct answers WINs a free 30 minute session with Laura!
4. Approximate answers are ok. Just try, even if it feels like guessing.
Fun Jigsaw Puzzle.
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August 18 or 19th, Saturday or Sunday, 2018
Haunted Railroad Bridge. “An 1887 railroad disaster occurred here when the Montreal Express fell over the old wooden bridge, killing over 30 people. The ghost of a victim, 13-year-old Joe McCabe, is said to appear here. Some say Joe didn’t actually die in the wreck but suffered tragically when he watched his father die, and that’s why after Joe died his spirit returned here. The old bridge was replaced by a new steel bridge, but that doesn’t stop folks from seeing Joe’s ghost playing in the river, dressed in 19th-century clothes and sometimes stand four feet above the water. Witnesses also smell phantom smoke from the old bridge burning.”

As of today I am considering visiting Eddy House, and one or two of these below.
The following was taken from http://www.hauntedplaces.org/state/Vermon
EHP Rating: 88.6
Norwich University
Northfield, Vermont
Four halls are involved in haunting legends at Norwich University. At Alumni Hall, legend has it that there is a haunted, boarded-up dorm room in which a student hanged himself, and a few years later, his brother was given the same room and hanged himself as well. The legend surrounding Chaplin…EHP Rating: 85.7
The Quechee Inn at Marshland Farm
Hartford, Vermont
Built as a private home by Joseph Marsh IV in 1793, the historic inn and farm was purchased by John Porter in 1845. He and his wife Jane lived there until they passed, John in 1886 and Jane in 1900. Jane Porter’s ghost is said to reside in the inn. In Rooms 1-6, which used to be Jane’s parlor and…
EHP Rating: 83.3
Inwood Manor
Barnet, Vermont
Reported to be closed, the Manor was known to be haunted by the ghosts of a woman and her child who drowned in the nearby Connecticut River. Renovations are said to awaken the woman’s ghost, who appears as a smiling lady in a candy-striped dress. She is apparently happy when improvements are made…
EHP Rating: 83.3
The Norwich Inn
Norwich, Vermont
The 1890 Victorian inn near Dartmouth College is said to be the place that inspired the setting of TV show “Newhart.” Another inn, built in 1797, stood here before the Norwich. Room 20 is home to the apparition of a woman who also has been seen in the dining room.
My niece gave me a long list of recommendations which can be used as a supplement to what is above.
Rutland, VT Region:
Eddy’s House. Chittenden, VT. This is one of my target locations for the tour. Summary: Described above. More go HERE.
Bowman’s House, Bowman’s Monument, Cuttingsville, VT. “If you’re driving along Route 103 in Cuttingsville, Vermont, you might very well be momentarily startled. The eerie site of a ghostly white figure standing outside the door of the Bowman Mausoleum with a wreath and key in one hand, and a top hat in the other, is unusual to say the least.” MORE. https://vermonter.com/bowman-monument-of-cuttingsville-vt/
Old Chapel, Castleton, VT. “The Old Chapel, built in 1821, is Castleton State College’s oldest building. Formerly the college’s medical academy, legend has it that the ghost of a partially dissected woman roams the chapel without her head. It seems that the medical academy rarely had enough cadavers to practice on, so the students resorted to grave robbing. Is this unhappy victim still searching for her head?” Taken from http://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/old-chapel-castleton-state-college/
Shaftsbury, VT. Tunic Road,”Ghost soldiers have been seen along Tunic Road, and some witnesses say phantom orbs have shown up in photographs taken here.” Taken from: http://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/tunic-road/
Green Mountain Inn. Stowe, VT. “Any self respecting Vermont Inn has a resident ghost or two. The Green Mountain Inn located in Stowe is no exception. As a matter of fact, they have a very unique tap dancing ghost.
The Inn itself is more than 173 years old and during that time, it has welcomed a variety of guests from famous celebrities to the rowdiest of individuals. The Inn was also home to a local man named Boots Berry, whose life ended on the grounds of the historic Inn.” More HERE.
Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, VT. “Reports say there is a grave here marked by a green statue of a crying lady nicknamed Black Agnes. The grave she marks is of a man, John Hubbard. Local legend says those who sit in the statue’s lap are cursed and will die.” Taken from: http://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/green-mount-cemetery/
Goddard College,Plainfield, VT/
Norwich University, Northfield/
Hope Cemetery,Barre, VT/
Emily’s Bridge,Stowe, VT
Scenic route 100 Upper Valley: Haunted Railroad Bridge, Hartford, VT/
Sumners Falls, Plainfield, NH/
Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction
Southern Vermont:
Glastenbury MT, Glastenbury, VT/
“Bennington Triangle”; Bennington Monument. Brattleboro, VT, Brattleboro Retreat (tower)
Burlington Area:
Shelburne, VT/Shelburne Museum.
New Haven, VT, Dr. Timothy Clark.
Vergennes, VT , Vergennes Opera House.
Hope you enjoy the haunted tour I am putting together. When it is done, I will place a link to it in this article.
KEEP APPRISED. Join our mailing list on side bar form to keep apprised of when it is happening.
Spirit Medium Laura
Some recommended reading and products.
Haunted House Jigsaw Puzzle.
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Haunted Vermont Book.
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