Healing the Heart After a Breakup – Channeling on how to give love to get love to heal after a breakup or any dysfunctional relationship.
Healing the Heart After a Breakup – Channeled
It is time to open the shackles of the heart to higher vibrations to love. When one is alone on earth and feels very unhappy it is time to look up, to vibrate at a higher frequency of love.

The way to do this is to open thy heart. It is not easy to open the heart of a human, for humans are mired in the idea that all roads lead to self aggrandizement.
Love does not mean you are getting anything. Love is love.
Very simply put, if you could go out today and do something very helpful for another without asking for anything back, without feeling like you need to get payment, you would begin slightly to feel what real genuine love is like.
Love does not ask for favors back. Love just is.
Healing the Heart After a Breakup
So when you are feeling down go out and help someone else. You will find the moral lift it gives you is a payment in itself, but do not do it for that.
Do it because you feel it is the right thing to do. Pay it forward so to speak.
Go now today and do something for someone that needs you.
You will find that after the fact, you will feel peaceful, fulfilled and balanced.
It is important on earth to feel balanced, it might be the most important feeling you could have.
Balance means that when you open your heart to love you are not overwhelmed with it.
If you have entered a love relationship and now feel out of balance you need to do more giving as we said above.
Love does not ask for something back. Love is simply love.
When someone hurts you, you are not loving enough. So next time you are in a codependent relationship and you feel the other person is harming or hurting you, go out and do something nice, good or generous for another. You will find that your hurt stops.
Even better do it for the one that hurt you in the love relationship. Give to that person the gift of acceptance.
Say to that person face to face or in a meditation, “I give you the gift of acceptance. Thank you for teaching me how to love.”
It will work just as well either way.
Let them go, ask nothing in return. Give them what they need without thought for your own needs at the time.
It is not your need versus their need. It is just being kind, loving and generous.
You will find after the give you will get. This is the LAW of Nature by which we live. You cannot avoid spiritual law. It rules and controls everything.
So next time you are hurting in a love relationship give to get something bigger, something better.
You will receive real love afterwards.
The Ones for Healing the Heart After a Breakup