DREAM ANALYSIS: Using Prayer With Dreams To Heal

DREAM ANALYSIS:  Using Prayer With Dreams To Heal

Last night I had a relationship issue which was nagging at me as I tried to fall off to sleep.  I decided to do some intense prayer to help.

Right before I awoke this morning I had a dream.  Dreams that wake you up or that happen right before you awake, are planted there by your subconscious for you to remember so you can get their meaning during waking hours, analyze and use to heal yourself.

My dream, fresh in my mind as a new fallen snow, was about Oprah Winfrey.  I was seated to her right and she was writing a message to her nephew.

I observed to her that her handwriting was slanted to the left, meaning she is repressing their emotions.

She replied, with a strong sense of power and authority, “Of course my handwriting is this way.  It shows I am in command of my emotions, not repressing them.

My nephew, the one who is going to get this letter, is not doing the right thing.  He needs to be told what is the right thing.  So my handwriting is reflecting my authority, my self discipline to say it like it is, not mince words but rather lay it on the line.

I am the one in charge here.”

I awoke right after this.

What is the meaning of this dream?  Spirit God was telling me I had to be strong and disciplined in the relationship that was troubling me.  I had to be firm, set the standards and not back down.

Aha!  So spirit came in to answer my prayers with instructions.

I like the message.

Another small point, Oprah Winfrey was chosen by my subconscious to represent the authority, the one with the answers, because her persona is just that in the outer world.  She is the one who is wise, spiritual and successful.

She was writing to her nephew, not her equal.  Her nephew in the dream was immature, her junior, certainly not as accomplished, wise or successful as she.

I believe my subconscious was telling me the man I was having the problem with was the same, junior to me in soul development, responsibility and personal maturity.

I needed to set the tone of the relationship, not he.

So spirit did it again.  It helped, it healed and it provided a path to happiness for me.  Thank you Spirit once again!


Spirit Medium Laura

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