HEALING HANDS: Soul Evolution

A beautiful young client came to me for healing. She complained of not being able to study for her nursing board exams. During our session there were various psychological and spiritual blocks discovered.
Spirit working through me unleashed these blocks. I sent her on her way, hoping for the best.
In a few days I received a phone call. She was now studying for her exams! I was elated. There were some tune ups in this process needed which I addressed. Everything went along smoothly for a while.
Then the same client emailed me. Spirit had healed her to the level it could from the session completed, however, there was a level deeper which needed to be addressed. She was becoming aware of self esteem issues she had bundled up within for her entire life.
HEALING HANDS: Soul Evolution
We went into a trance session. Spirit showed me my client when she was a little girl, still in pig tails and said at this time another family member arrived, taking all attention away from this adorable bright child in favor of the new baby.
Spirit also said both parents worked so my client went from getting all the attention to nothing. This severely affected her self esteem.
Spirit did another healing on her. It worked so wonderfully! I knew it worked when my client emailed me explaining how areas in her life from her weight to her relationship to men had been the product of low self esteem!
This is an example of how spirit works through me as a medium to help you in your progress on earth. You have Divine Beings interested in your development as a soul.
These beings are constantly in the practice of helping you evolve from suffering to thriving and then to service from your gifts to raise the consciousness of humanity one person at a time.
HEALING HANDS: Soul Evolution
To engage in a healing session, simple go to http://BookLaura.com to set your appointment.
Spirit Medium Laura