THE HEART CHAKRA: Healing the Heart Channeled Meditation. Are you getting upper respiratory infections, colds, the flu. Maybe it is time for a healing.
LET GO of the PAST FINALLY! Healing the Heart Channeled Meditation
For the last few years, after losing a relationship with what I thought was the love of my life, I started to have a total breakdown of health.
In particular, I was riddled with ongoing upper respiratory infections, so virulent I would be shut down in bed for weeks several times a year! Now THAT is a lot of illness!
I finally went to a traditional MD. He could find nothing wrong with me other than a bit of antibodies to Epstein Barr virus.
After working on improving my overall state of health I began to experience true vibrancy, freed of this syndrome UNTIL RECENTLY!
I fell ill after a chance encounter with my ex with new behavior which was humiliating, dishonoring and torturous.
I got sick with this upper respiratory infection within a week of that.
Of course, the answer, my friends is not in the body, but rather in the psycho spiritual body. Our emotions come first.
So what dialogue if any are you telling yourself about yourself?
I will place some channeling below and then an additional resource I found on com for healing the heart chakra and your ability to receive love.

Dear Spirit Guides, Why does someone experience illness in the respiratory area and what can be done about it?
The lungs are the place of respiration where new life begins and old life is released. It is why the lungs hold onto toxins in your emotional life, more than other organs.
When you have released the past, the lungs will separate from you emotionally and function better.
So if your lungs are malfunctioning it is because you have not let go of the past efficiently or effectively.
The way to release the past is through the lungs with a special release meditation.
Look at yourself in the mirror [the mirror is helpful because it places you in a self reflective state of which this meditation addresses] and begin deep cleansing breaths, deeply accessing the Solar Plexus (stomach area) during the breath, bringing the clearing light in of air to heal.
See your lungs filling with light on each inhale.
See the light collecting anything in your lungs that does not belong there any longer.
Release the toxins now gathered by the light on exhale.
Do this several times a day in the morning in particular when you first wake up.
You can do this on a regular cleansing breath basis to keep the lungs free of emotional toxins and light.
Any of those who are holding onto the emotions from the past will find this exercise helpful and hopeful for over time you will begin to see a new life beginning.
You will release the past and open to the future.
Well thank you Spirit for illuminating us on what to do about healing the past and opening to the future. I am going to do this exercise now after finishing this article, because I really need it!
Spirit Medium Laura
To set your private appointment with Laura go to this link:
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