Besides this increase in psychic ability, I am feeling more and more energetic, centered, balanced. I notice I am less fearful, see my desires manifest more directly and my personal issues have been healing more rapidly.
Lately my ability to heal with spirit has been increasing greatly. Some sessions are so magnificent; afterwards I fill with joy. “Wow, did that really happen?” I wonder.
This is done, not because I am so wonderful (although my mother would say I am), but because I have become very good at stepping out of the way. This has increased my ability to be a channel or medium from which spirit can work.

Besides this increase in ability, I am feeling more and more energetic, centered, balanced. I notice I am less fearful, see my desires manifest more directly and my personal issues have been healing more rapidly.
I believe this is in part from meditation and the specific techniques included in the process. Here is an overview of what I am doing. This list grows and changes constantly as per the moment and what is needed.
This morning I awoke with a deep feeling of lethargy, even after a long, restful night’s sleep. As I did my morning meditation spirit came in and led me to a remedy. I did not ask for one, but as I focused on my breath I was inspired.
They inspired me to “see” a blue white liquid energy floating through my body from my breath. I did what they said and the rest of the day I felt like I was soaring.
Increase your physical energy.
Here is what I did.
- Listened to a theta meditation on using headset for 15 minutes. I used this one but there are many others.
- As I meditated I began to focus on my breath from the abdominal area. It is scientifically proven that abdominal breathing induces theta brain waves.
- As I was doing this, my mind began to “see” a blue white liquid light journey into my right leg from the abdominal area where I was breathing.
- It began to float down my leg of its own accord. As it did I felt that area energize.
- This made me realize I was supposed to mentally direct this blue white liquid light through my entire body. Therefore, I “saw” my left leg fill, then my torso, my right arm, my left arm, my throat and head.
- I did this several times throughout my body.
- It is interesting to note the color changed on the left side of my body from a “white blue” to a “greenish white blue.” I believe this means my right brain is my healing energy.
- As I continued to run this light through my body from the breathing, I felt more and more energized and filled with light, oxygen and energy.
- I was also inspired to do something else.
Extend Your Auric Field for Personal Power

- My guides recently made me aware of energy I was holding in my chest area, which needed to be extended. Now I mentally feel this energy, then extend it out into the world as often as I think of it. I believe this has improved my ability to manifest, to align with my purpose as a healer, to heal myself, sense my personal connection to source, greatly improve my psychic ability and experience a sense of centered happiness.
Psychic & Healing Meditation
Another meditation technique I have been using lately which I believe greatly improves the ability to heal emotional issues and increase psychic creativity is the following.
- Play a simple crystal bowl or soothing meditation about 10 to 15 minutes long. One I like from is, Singing Crystal Bowls Ocean Meditation, 7.15 minutes in length.
- Close your eyes,
- Look up to the right portion of your inner vision field.
- Rotate your eyes to the left like an arc along the top of your vision field until you get to the left side of your vision field.
- Rotate back to the right side of your vision field using the arc at the top of your vision field.
- As you rotate synchronize your breath as you mentally repeat your favorite affirmation. One like, “I am my magnificence” is extremely powerful! Watch what happens over next few weeks!
- Do this at least twenty times. I try to do this for most of the time I am meditating.
You might want to try some of these techniques to see if they have the same effect on you.
Laura Mendelsohn, Soul Healer, Psychic Medium