The heart chakra is the seat of unconditional love not only for self but for others. One of the easiest, permanent and most direct ways to heal a broken heart after a break up is to access this chakra in meditation and prayer.
This article contains a recorded channeled version of this meditation which is quite a bit more profound than the written version below. The recorded version is at end of this article.
This chakra will open for you ways to love unconditionally the person that hurt you. As you experience the flood of light from the heart chakra from higher realms, you will soften and heal permanently.
This suggests that when one is unable to release a broken heart it is because there is still a feeling that something is unfinished, unrequited and/or unfair in the breakup. Maybe you feel you were treated unfairly.
Maybe you feel “if only,” we had had a chance to discuss things better, hear each other better, understand each other better, this breakup could have been avoided.
Maybe you feel it is the other person’s fault. So you hold onto rage, anger and blame. Certainly these emotions can do nothing to help you move ahead to a higher frequency.
IT IS ONLY THROUGH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE THAT WE HEAL. This is pink light sent through the healing frequency of the heart chakra.
Step 1. Sit now in quiet meditation. Become still and silent. A helpful meditation to do this is linked HERE from This meditation is designed through binaural beats to help you mend.
You will find if you did nothing more than this meditation you would feel better, but it will not get to the root of the problem, thus you will still not be healed permanently.
Step 2. Now close your eyes. Imagine within your chest is a wash of vibrant green light. On the right side of your chest is an opening of white light. This is the actual energy center.
If it is easier to see your heart chakra outside of your body, in front of you, that is fine. However you need to visualize it is correct.
Now send through that opening beautiful pink light and hold it there. As you do so ask your higher power to help you love yourself unconditionally to forgive yourself.
“Please Infinite Spirit provide for me insight to the aspects of myself that need healing and release and release them. I now know I am responsible for my happiness, completeness and peace, as I connect with Source.
“I am my keeper. I am my healer. I am my lover through the power of my connection to you oh Infinite Spirit. Thank you for healing me and allowing me to feel this completion in your light and grace. Amen.”
Stay with this prayerful intention until you feel a shift. A shift will evidence in the form of a feeling of relief, happiness or just peacefulness.
If you are doing this meditation with a professional healing spiritual medium the toxic aspects of your soul contracts can be revealed for release and healed. This is one of the reasons one would work with a spiritual medium, for additional insight via the light of spirit as to what needs to be released.
Step 3. Now continue with closed eyes. Imagine within your chest a wash of vibrant green light. On the right side of your chest is an opening of white light. This is the actual energy center.
If it is easier to see your heart chakra outside of your body, in front of you, that is fine. However you need to visualize it is correct.
Now send through that opening beautiful pink light and hold it there. As you do so ask your higher power to help you unconditionally love the person you are trying to release.
“Please dear Infinite Spirit let me release the person I loved. I know he or she did not intentionally hurt me. They were doing the best they could at that time at the level of their evolution, awareness and consciousness.
“I now forgive them for not providing me what I needed in the relationship. I now know I am responsible for my happiness, completeness and peace, as I connect with Source.
“I am my keeper. I am my healer. I am my lover through the power of my connection to you oh Infinite Spirit. I thank thee for healing me and allowing me to feel this completion in your light and grace. Amen.”
“I ask, oh Infinite Spirit, those who have tried to steal energy from me in self completion, now complete themselves in direct connection with Infinite Source, not mortal beings. ”
Stay with this prayerful intention until you feel a shift. A shift will evidence in the form of a feeling of relief, happiness or just peacefulness.
If you are doing this meditation with a professional healing spiritual medium the toxic aspects of your lost love’s soul contracts can be revealed for release and healed. This is one of the reasons one would work with a spiritual medium, for additional insight via the light of spiritual sight as to what needs to be released.
NEW BEGINNING: When I did this meditation today I opened my eyes after completion. In noticed the time was 11:11, meaning new beginning. This is a confirmation from spirit that this meditation is a new beginning for you and for me. Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura
When you provide for yourself the things you thought the relationship gave you, you become healed. It is at this higher vibration new love is then possible.
This is a simple and powerful way to permanently release and heal over the loss of a loved one.
RECORDED CHANNELED VERSION of this meditation is at this link HERE:
Spirit Medium Laura.
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