How To Be Happy. Happiness Formula is giving yourself what you need on a regular basis until you realize you do not need anything to be happy. You just are.
How To Be Happy. Happiness Formula is giving yourself what you need on a regular basis until you realize you do not need anything to be happy. You just are.
At the risk of sounding really strange, and potentially annoying I will tell you anyway. I am a happy person.
I know. This sounds weird even to me. Not because I have had more suffering than you. No.
But because in the past I was not very happy. I lived in the delusion that happiness was a condition I should seek, that it was not in me, but rather elusively somewhere else and I had to find it, then acquire it.
My mother started saying to me somewhere around her 75th birthday, “Choose to be happy.”
I used to wonder, “how the heck can you CHOOSE to be happy?” Things are they way they are. Happiness cannot be such a simple thing as a choice.
If you are not happy, there is a reason for this condition. It is nothing I can change by simply choosing to be happy.
Fast forward, I now know what she meant.
As I scaled the walls of unhappiness, I began, very slowly at first, but then much faster as life got worse, I could change things. I began to make happy choices.
Finally now that I am happy, my biggest dissatisfaction comes when I notice those around me who are not happy.
Last night I was out doing some Latin/Ballroom dancing. I used to have such an UNHAPPY TIME when I would go.
I wanted people to ask me to dance, but I would sit in the corner waiting for that to happen.
Then I wanted to be recognized as the best dancer, or most beautiful in the room. No one would notice me.
Last night I saw a young woman about 5’10” tall with long black hair in hot paints and a face like a Barbie doll in the ladies room.
Instead of falling into a tail spin downward, I saw her beauty, personally acknowledged it and went about my business.
Her movie star looks had nothing to do with me. They are where she is at in her experience in life.
I am where I am in life.
My stellar happiness was not affected, nor diminished at her siting.
Gosh how different from before!
Over time I began to see how I was constructing all of this myself. I would take offense, feel less than, and get annoyed when things did not go the way I had envisioned they should.
But then, as I began to act like a liberated person, I began to feel liberated, free and have FUN with the marvelous adventure called life!
Simple things like a fun conversation with a friend, the sight of a puppy or child playing or the hearing of a beautiful song on the radio would bring me joy.
This changed the way I expressed myself to the world. I simply showed up happy and took an interest in others.
I would happily ask men to dance. I would joyfully take an interest in others, asking them how they were, how they felt, etc. I would flirt, show and feel empathy and interact.
So last night as I did this and was having fun, my friend showed up back where I used to be.
She complained there were no men with which to dance. Then she asked someone to dance and he said “no” to her, but proceeded to dance with someone else right after that.
She found that insulting.
I did not have a chance to tell her that just before we spoke about her being insulted, I had asked someone to dance and he flat out said, “no” to me.
I could have been upset, but rather thought to myself, if he knew me he probably would have danced with me, but he does not know me, so said “no.”
The point is I did not take it personally. I was not going down into that dark place of unhappy.
The world is not a reflection of me, it is a reflection of my view of it!
So now the happier I become the more I am noticing how others are not happy. I actually had someone scold me for not seeing a situation negatively when she did.
Go figure! :)
So what do I think created this happiness in me, after all these years of struggle without it?
Sobriety. Yes, sobriety.
I do NOT mean never taking a drink of alcohol.
See this article, “The Meaning of Sobriety,”from Psychology Today states, “Recovery/remission is about maintaining focus and engagement in life.” Go HERE to read it
I realized everything I experience is everything I created.
I have more power and control over my existence than I realized before. As soon as I took back my power to create or not create a positive attitude, a simpler approach to things, as soon as I realized this choice would bring me more happiness than the reactive I am a victim choice, I became HAPPY.
I am now stinkingly happy. lol!
So I am going to throw you a life raft. If you want more happiness I suggest you look at your life. Take inventory. What do you think is causing you unhappiness?
Now pray for peace with this condition. If there is something you can do to change it, change it.
Back to addictions. So if you are addicted to something, perhaps alcohol, a toxic relationship, the acquisition of money, your work, your I-Phone, whatever it is, ask you have peace with this thing.
Each area of your life can be pruned out, slowly (or quickly depending on your capacity) from complicated, toxic, dysfunctional and disturbing to peaceful, calm, exalting and extra wonderful.
Simplicity is the key to all of this, I have found. Going for the simplest solution, with the least moving parts that work, is highly calming to me.
Perhaps this is true for you?

Here is some Channeling from The Ones on How To Be Happy.
Creating Happiness in Your Life.
Happiness is as happiness does. When you are unhappy it means you have left a part of yourself unheard, misunderstood and not engaged in your life.
So when you feel unhappy it is immediately a warning sign to you to take inventory about what it is that disturbs you and then what you can do to correct it.
Happiness sits below the surface of disturbance.
Unhappiness means you have not heard yourself, not understood yourself and not supported yourself.
So the pursuit of happiness is one of a personal journey to self discovery and support.
We as your Guides want you to understand that happiness is something you must create for yourself while on the earth plane for within this plane of existence you can experience the illusion of loss, that you do not have something that you think will bring you happiness.
When you are in spirit world this illusion of not having something disappears. You cannot feel left out or lacking.
Therefore you cannot experience unhappiness as a sense of lack in spirit world.
So when on earth or in a denser vibration you need to take advantage of this condition, this experience of unhappiness. The way again is to listen to yourself, then give yourself what you think you need.
At first this will seem labored and you will continue to seek, then provide to yourself that which you think you need or want,
But then over time you will discover you did not need anything more than to hear yourself and continue your journey through life.
Happiness was there all along. You did not sense it, but there it was, sitting there in the background unnoticed.
Happiness has nothing to do with getting anything.
You already have everything in simply having consciousness.
When you realize this you have realized you are happy and will feel it completely.
Happiness is feeling and being alive.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
How to Be Happy. Book your private session with Laura at
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