HOW TO BE HAPPY: Soul Abundance for Happiness

HOW TO BE HAPPY:  Soul Abundance for Happiness

Yep.  This is exactly what Soul Abundance is there to deliver.  Happiness.

Being happy is not a mystery.  It is a series of habits you can implement in your own life to lift you from pedestrian to powerful.

Each step is equally as important as the other.  If you skip just one little step, happiness can become as illusive as that kaleidoscopic butterfly you think you saw when you were five years old.  In other words, a myth.

Recently was working with a client.  She was unhappy.  She thought totally it was her husband that made her unhappy.  She thought she was in a pattern of marrying men who she did not love.

By the way she had children with each of these men.  At the time of her work with me she was pregnant with her sixth child!

Spirit told her that it was not the person in her life that was making her unhappy.  That happiness must come first from herself.  She must first nurture her own relationship with her soul, open it up by beginning a creative endeavor of some sort.  As well, she needed to take better care of her body.

As a matter of fact, spirit saw during her reading that her blood sugar was off, that her insulin ratio was not right.  Several steps were suggested to improve it to help improve her mood.

The client confirmed she was suffering from a form of diabetes related to pregnancy.

So your mood is not just something that happens.  Your physical health has much to do with it first.  Then your mind.  Thinking it is up to your to be happy and not up to others to make you happy.

And finally it is up to your soul.  When you can begin that inner soul dialogue happiness will finally arrive.

The soul is actually the most important aspect of this. I am going to do some channeling on the soul from The Ones about why the soul is so important to happiness.

Dear Spirit Guides, how and why is the soul so important to happiness to those on earth?

The soul is important ingredient to completion as a human being.  You cannot complete yourself unless you are living as your soul, the authentic nature.  Your soul is you, as the deepest, most fundamental level.

Your soul is the DNA of your being.  Can you imagine living a life without having DNA for your body?  So it is with the soul.

It has a frequency, an imprint, a particular vibration.  When the vibration is muddied or not clear, it will falter with illness, unhappiness and sadness in the physical form.

This cloudiness is the karma you have planned to overcome each lifetime so that you can evolve.  Karma is not there to sadden you or make you unhappy.

It is there to help you grow.

Your karma is golden so to speak when used as a way to develop your vibrancy, clarity and physical form.

However, when it is not addressed but rather taken for granted as suffering on the earth plain, karma can create for you a back draft in which you can fall backwards instead of move forwards.

You can devolve.

So when you are sad it is because you are not addressing your karma.  Very simply put, your karma is there for your evolution, growth and happiness, not your sadness.

So when you are feeling sad, ask that sadness as if it were a wayward child, “what do you want from me, how can I grow from you, where are you telling me to go?”

You sadness can answer you.  It can talk to you to help you grow in happiness and feel new things, evolve and learn how to become your truest self.

Sadness is a stepping stone to full integration of self.  Enjoy it, embrace it, love it.  Put it to the test now.

Ask your sadness to speak to you.

Ask that it provide for you some ideas of what it needs to go away and transform itself to happiness.

You will find your happiness will then begin speaking to you about itself.  It is the full grown child, the part of you, that is able to take care of you, to find you, to express you, and to nurture you.

This adult self will answer you when it can be seen, heard, known and nurtured.  This is the part of you that must come home for you to live in the vibration of happiness.

The child is sad.  The adult is happy.  We mean that the adult has the power to take care of itself.  The child is helpless and just feels things.  It cannot know itself.  It cannot help itself.  It is unable to grow by itself.

So when you are feeling unhappy it is because the child is loose, without an adult to play.  It is lost, alone, afraid and cannot help itself.  The child needs the adult to help.

Give your child your adult and you will find happiness will no longer be that illusive butterfly, but rather a tangible thing to follow and play.

There are specific steps to find happiness, but right now we will allow you to contemplate the nature of this thing we call happiness.  Soon we will tell you how to be happy in more detailed steps.


Spirit Guides through Spirit Medium Laura.”

To book your private session with Laura go here.

To take a course on How to be happy go here. (coming soon).