TAMIFLU SIDE EFFECTS: Does TAMIFLU Heal YOU? This article will focus on how healing happens at a level deeper than the drug. Channeling below states, “When a drug is taken it is merely a surrogate by which the soul can activate. It does not have any healing power except that which the user gives it. This is why so many people on earth fear drugs. They feel the soul is not active in the drugs. The soul is active in its use of drugs, just as the soul is active in everything.”
I had the most bizarre experience with illness and healing this past week.
As a Certified Health Coach, I try to stay away from pharmaceuticals due to the high level of side effects most of them have. In place of drugs, I love to and do practice the highest level of self care I can muster to preserve whatever vitality my physical vessel can provide.
Being healthy is mandatory for my work.
As a Health Coach we teach to eat REAL food only, nothing processed, chemical, man made or fake. So then where does the pharmaceutical drug Tamiflu with all its side effects fit into this ideal environment?
It doesn’t. However, when I suddenly became deathly ill earlier this week, after experiencing what seemed like an eternity of vitality I had temporary amnesia about what health really means and went to traditional medical clinic for some “drugs.”
The “DRUG” Tamiflu (with all its side effects) is exactly what I got.
What I did not anticipate was what happened next. Immediately after taking my first tablet I began to feel energized. The day I went, Thursday morning, I was dead to the world in bed. I could hardly drive myself to the doctor’s office, to get the meds.
I did get them and popped my first tablet late morning.
By evening of that day, I wondered if I was going to be able to sleep so hyperactive I had become. After a few hours of sleep, I awoke like a Jack in the Box, jumping out of bed at 4am.
For the rest of the day, I rushed around like a vessel filled with weird hyper energy that did not feel like me.
I just could not sit still and had eaten almost nothing all day! I was very loud when I spoke, almost shouting at every one. While amusing, it was a bit antagonistic. It was like I had no patience for anyone or anything.
I was to put it mildly a bit frightening to myself. I started to really wonder what was going on when at 7pm after a full day of working with clients, doing chores around the house, grocery shopping, I completed a full exercise routine!
This after almost being dead in bed earlier that day. How could this happen?
All I know is this side effect of Tamiflu created a new me, up until then not yet seen.
I would like to spend a bit of time channeling my guides (St. Ignatius Loyola, same master guide as John of God famed healer from Brazil) to see what is said about this drug and other prescription medication.
I have a feeling there is something about chemical drugs versus activating the body’s ability to heal itself that needs to be revealed here. I just keep having this vision of the body being pulled from one vibration to another by some sort of activating principle the drugs invoke.
Maybe this is good. Maybe it is bad. Let’s see what comes up from the channeling.
Dear Spiritual Guides, what does all of this mean? Is there something spiritual going on here? Something against the natural flow of energy that allows a medication to cure one thing, but abuse another aspect of the self?
It is only up to you to define this principle for we see it differently. We see it as the soul creating new ways to heal the self, to encourage growth and realize how to heal.
The soul is the healing principle not the mind or body. When the soul is activated, brought into the healing process the body then takes action to follow the instructions.
So all healing must first happen at the soul level where the demons of life and death exist.
The soul is your healer, but it must be spoken to first. When you want to heal yourself or someone else you need to address the soul.
When a drug is taken it is merely a surrogate by which the soul can activate. It does not have any healing power except that which the user gives it. This is why so many people on earth fear drugs.
They feel the soul is not active in the drugs. The soul is active in its use of drugs, just as the soul is active in everything.
Physical follows spiritual. So if you pray for healing and get it, you will find it does not matter what way it comes to you. The method is not as important as the intention of healing.
If you are having illness it is because you have not heard your inner bell, your inner music of need. The soul is keeping you ill so you can hear your heart, listen to yourself about something.
There is a catching up with self that needs to occur, to be better at self realization, nurturing care. The Soul only wants to hear and heal the self.
The soul carries on many functions of self. Taking care of self is the primary one.
We will identify self to you right now. Self is the part of you that knows itself. It is your consciousness. It is the part of you that sees you and realizes you are more than your body, more than your mind, more than your feelings.
It is the eternal part of you that wants the best for the smaller you. The smaller you is the part of you in this lifetime with a personality that wants to get out of its own way, own things, get along with others, know information, be alive, enjoy life, have romance, etc.
The part of you that travels along the journey in constant companion to all these smaller issues is the soul.
So the self is the soul. It is the immortal self, the caring self, the non judgmental self, the loving self, the parent self. The beginning and ending self.
We love the self we speak about. It is our self and yourself combined. It is God.
God comes with us everywhere we go. We love God as you do. We are a part of God and want to heal like God for we are all part of God, but God is not us. God is bigger than us, broader than us, knows more than us.
We are all aspects of God, including the soul.
So when you are feeling weary and unhappy, when you are sick as you put it, place the self in care of God. You will find God will find the care for it. And you will be healed no matter what drug or prescription or healing tool you choose to use or not use.
Healing does not happen from earth. Healing happens from God.
Your Guides.
OK. Uh, I didn’t expect this. But magically wonderful and of course so true! Thank you dear Guides for this information. I will now go and ask God for healing and expect it.
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