FINDING PEACE: How to Master Inner Peace

FINDING PEACE: How to Master Inner Peace. Ironically mastering inner peace comes from mastering SURRENDER,the Spiritual Law of Non Resistance.

FINDING PEACE:  How to Master Inner Peace.  Ironically mastering inner peace comes from mastering SURRENDER, the Spiritual Law of Non Resistance.

This week I finally felt peaceful.  I had had a big issue in my life which my EGO was struggling to resolve.  The more I struggled, the worse the problem got.

I was “pounding” away at my investments, trying to multiply the millions I had made. then lost, back into existence.  Each attempt over a period of 20 years only made things worse!

Last week was not different.  I continued these losses.

Finally I got the message.  LET GO!

So I did.  I began praying that I have PEACE instead of wealth, that my needs be satisfied in a peaceful way.

I created a prayer and a manifesting mantra that reflected a surrendering.  “Dear God please provide me safe, simple and successful abundance.”

As soon as I started using this prayer and mantra in meditation something shifted.  I was guided to a solution.

Whew!  This idea and action gave me a lot of peace.

Then something else happened.  The flood gates of creativity opened (that’s God) and a strange synchronicity was provided to me.

I noticed a part of my online presence generated an unusual bit of income I had never seen before.

I was a bit shocked but then I realized what had happened.


God can not guide you if you are all choked up trying to control a situation.


Similar to making a deal with the devil, the problem or problems get worse the more we orchestrate a solution.

The only way to true peace is through Letting Go and Letting God.  This is the Spiritual Law of Non Resistance.

I have been a huge proponent of trying to solve problems on my own this life time.  I adopted various “spiritual” tools to make my will a reality.

Each time I did this I might have gotten what I wanted, but in the end the achieved goal dissipated, only to be replaced with a huge scar on my psyche and physical existence.

Is this just my journey through life or is this a universal principle?  I think the latter.

This past week I worked with a client who wanted me to teach her how to manifest her desires using my Third Eye Manifesting Technique.  She wanted to clear out any blocks she had within herself preventing realization of desires.

I spent an entire hour with this client doing a complete soul healing, defining what this client wanted into a 3rd eye manifesting technique protocol, and how to use this.

But then I told her the best way to manifest anything is to ask in prayer for peace.  She, my client, interrupted me.  She said she knew what I was saying was true.

The week before she was so unhappy in her job that finally after another chaotic day of being pulled apart, she went into prayer, asking that this situation be healed for her, that she would have PEACE in this area of her life.

She did not try to fix anything!  She SURRENDERED!

The next day she was fired from her job!

This was not a bad thing.  She felt relief, knowing this was God’s way of answering her prayers.

She hated the job.  Instinctively she knew it was not at all right for her.

The 3rd Eye Manifesting Technique or any Law of Attraction Manifesting Technique is great but only as reinforcement after surrender.  Surrender is the first step to PEACE in your life.

Here are the  L-O-V-E Steps for Abundance.  The first step is Letting Go, Letting God, the most important step to peace in your life.

Let Go.  Let God.  This step helps you discover, then release, your fear based controlling patterns, the things your EGO does to try to bring you want you want in life.  This is the Spiritual Law of Non Resistance.

Open the Soul.  Once your fearful EGO is healed your powerful SOUL begins to express to you deeper goals, like service from gifts.  When this step is completed you have raised your self confidence with positive expression of self in useful service.

Vibrate at Your Soul’s Frequency.  When you know who you are, and have supported that expression, it is time to use 3rd Eye Manifesting, Prayer, Creative Visualization or any number of manifesting techniques.  Manifesting is so much more powerful when you align with your soul first.

Engage the PEACE.  Peacefulness is when you finally align with who you are, accept this, ask for its expression and stop fighting what does not work.

When you are living a life out of sync to your true nature, circumstances and self, life will not be peaceful.  You will constantly be trying to find your equilibrium, running on a treadmill that goes faster and faster.

Peace comes when you realize the treadmill is not productive.  That there must be a better way, surrender the fight, relinquish control and ask in prayer that your life be peaceful.

FINDING PEACE: How to Master Inner Peace. This is artwork by my sister Carolyn Ann Steward. It makes me feel very peaceful when I look at it. Does it for you?

Asking for PEACE brings peace.

Very simple.

Channeling from The Ones.

If you are asking for money, ask instead for peace with money.

If you are asking for love, ask instead for peace in the area of love.

If you are asking for health, instead ask that you be peaceful about your health, that the situation be resolved for highest good and benefit of all.

There is something very magical, very powerful about peace.

Peace is more than peace.  It is the first step to realizing HEALING to HAPPINESS.

As soon as you relinquish control to PEACE, a miracle power is released, some call God.  God will work with you when you work with God.

So ask for peace in whatever area you are now trying to resolve yourself.  You will find that your prayers will be answered immediately.

End of Channeling.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private Healing to Happiness session with Laura at

Here is a great meditation for peace in your life.

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