How to Discover What Is My Your Purpose? Your purpose is healing the idea happiness is outside of you. Learning how to simply be happy is your purpose.
How to Discover What Is Your Life Purpose? Why Am I On Earth?
Right after I published the piece on having Faith when everything is going wrong, these words dropped into my head. “What Is Your Purpose?”
At the same moment I was moved by an electric wave of emotion. I started to cry. Not in the way sadness cries but in the way poignancy cries.
I was moved emotionally.
All this happened without my even understanding why it was happening.
I remember watching my mother have these sort of emotional attacks every now and then. I thought she was very silly indeed and thought it amusing.
But now I am doing it. Oh, well. Guess we cannot fight who we are or our DNA.
I interpreted this “message,” to mean spirit was showing me my life purpose.
I ask myself “what is my life purpose,” almost on a daily basis. Sometimes on a moment by moment basis. I am always wondering what it is.
You might feel that is rather strange, after all you might know me as Spirit Medium Laura, and assume this has a context, meaning and direction.
While it does, to a certain extent, there is still something missing.
Work as a spiritual mouthpiece can seem routine at times, even machine like.
YES! The methodology of spirit is to become neutral, then allow spirit to speak through you. The medium actually has to become invisible, fading into the background.
So at times, being the expressive type I am, I wonder what this is all about, why am I here, what is my purpose anyway?
Today spirit directed me with that “feeling” message.
I am supposed to be helping myself as well as others learn how to be happy and heal through spirit.
I am a road map of HEALING to HAPPINESS from HEAVEN.

Channeling from The Ones
Today we will speak about How to Discover What Is Your Life Purpose?
What is your life purpose Dear Ones?
Do you have a purpose? Do you want a purpose? Is there something to get from having a purpose?
The answer is YES!
Your purpose is almost like a DNA of your spiritual footprint. You are each a soul with a distinct and singular purpose on earth in the healing realms.
Earth is a healing realm. You are sent to earth to heal or to help others heal.
There are martyrs in the spirit realm that take it upon themselves to come to earth to help others heal.
They do run the risk of being hurt while doing this and even falling back into a healing evolutionary sequence (karmic pattern) which they might have to clear in various ways such as reincarnation again.
This is dangerous work, my dear friends! Dangerous Work!
The work of a spiritual healer is DANGEROUS!
So if you are reading this today, it is because you are a spiritual healer who has come to earth to heal yourself and others. This is your life purpose.
Understand this work holds within it the seeds of greatness:
- Great sadness and suffering and a negative evolutionary path downward.
- Great healing to happiness and a positive evolutionary path upward.
We have come to earth to partner with you on the former, not the latter.
We want to help you heal and help you gain the affluence of spirit you so desire. This is why we are here on earth, working with you in spirit through the medium today.
We are here to help you heal and move forward, move upward and move towards JOY!
So how do you heal? What do you do to heal?
The first step is to Let Go of the illusion of life purpose. Life Purpose is not the Kingdom of Heaven. [meaning a great accomplishment or thing to have.]
No. Life Purpose is in the Kingdom of Heart.
You are life purpose right now. You are life purpose itself. You are the seeker of life purpose, but life purpose is already in you.
The moment you realize that you are life purpose now, that there is nothing to seek, you will then HAVE LIFE PURPOSE.
While this might sound like a puzzle, and not clear, let me say this.
Life Purpose is in the heart, not out side the heart. When you can be happy without having anything but BEING, you have found the Kingdom of Heaven within you.
You are then HEALED! You have found your LIFE PURPOSE!
So now we want to say to you today to do this little exercise.
Ask yourself what you think you want that would make you happy.
Then give it to yourself.
After a while after a period of days, maybe months, you will not want for anything.
Not because you now have everything you want. No.
But because you realized over this process that having something does not bring happiness. Happiness is had by simply being alive.
[BTW I tried this little experiment and did find it worked for me this way. I gave myself everything I wanted as I defined it to the best I could. Then over time I got tired of doing this.
I just became happy regardless of what I wanted, had or added into my life.]
Being alive is happiness itself. Having consciousness, awareness, breath is ecstasy itself.
This is your life purpose: Learning how to be happy without having anything other than consciousness.
So discovering your life purpose is to know you need not seek, but rather understand you already hove purpose within you.
You are life purpose NOW.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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