BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY HUMANS. Is it possible or good? Let’s take a look at what the Ones have to say in a channeled session.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! As 2018 arrives there are new advancements in science which are bringing the human race to extending biological life. This brings on the next question, can we live forever? Is BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY for HUMANS even possible?
The following will be a channeled piece from The Ones about this. It’s implications from a practical and spiritual perspective will be explored.
Before I begin the channeling I need to explain that now science is in the middle of a profound revolution, near to providing a way to extend lifespan by 30%. The way of doing this is through eliminating degenerative diseases related to aging like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
When you think about this it is not all that strange or impossible. Life span has increased from about 25 years old (paleolithic, illness, danger, etc.) to 47 years old (1900, infectious diseases) to now around 80 years old (today, degenerative disease).
The primary killer today is degenerative diseases related to aging.
If the body could repair its instructions to DNA theoretically it could live to its biological potential of what is now thought to be about 120 years old.
There are ways to now do this .proven in mice and even in some humans. I have already written all about this in this article: REVERSE AGING SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS 2017: Give the Gift of Youth At the Holidays!

Dear Spirit Guides will humans ever be able to become immortal in a biological sense?
Yes. They will have the ability to live to forever but that is when humans have evolved to such a point that their physical form is united with their spiritual form. There will be no pestilence, death or sadness at this time and humans will have bodies that shine from a higher life source.
We are the humans of the past that have evolved. We have the form which we are stating.
When a human gets to a point where they do not see death as a reality for themselves their biological form will have evolved to their spiritual form aligning the two.
Today this is possible with death.
But when a human transcends death through consciousness they are living in many planes and existence at once.
They no longer fear the dark. They are aligned, alighted and renewed from the light at will.
We are The Ones that lead humans to transcendence from physical death to the light.
So now you think we are way out there and do not understand what we are saying.
Is this a death that is physical or what are we saying?
We are saying that you and everyone can have eternal life when your consciousness evolves to it. When you no longer fear physical death your consciousness had evolved to eternal life.
A way to get to this today is to ask yourself what are you afraid of in your life? When you get the answer then you are to go through it, without hesitation.
Face your fears, then live forever.
We are the Ones that Help People Evolve from FEAR to LOVE.
Do you see what we are saying?
Is this literal? Yes. We are not simply saying that you cannot evolve past life. We are saying you can be life eternal by believing in life eternal, that there is no end, only love.
When you think of the masters, the spiritual masters from earth, each of them did not fear death. It is a feature of being truly evolved. There is a confusion as to when death actually occurred for them.
Did it even occur?
For a Master to evolve they must not fear death. When you do not fear death, you have become a master and then you are alive forever.
Hmmmn. That is a difficult one for me to digest. I am talking about living forever in the physical sense and they are answering me in the figurative sense.
Not sure what to do about this, but I will let it go for now.
NEW QUESTION. So Spirit Guides what if humanity has evolved to biological survival forever? Do we run out of space on earth or even in the spirit realm? Do we no longer have evolution?
We are the Ones. No. You do not run out of space because most souls on earth are not ready spiritually or emotionally or consciously for eternal life. When they have evolved to a space where they can handle it these problems would have been addressed already.
One evolution affects the other. There will be no humans one earth that can live forever until they understand the principles of eternal life.
The principles of Eternal Life requires the soul be complete and the body is a subset of the soul. When a human becomes a soul on earth then they are living forever and physical death no longer matters because they have transcended death consciousness.
So you are a soul Laura. When you understand that you live forever you will have transcended death and live forever on earth in a physical form, but it would be a subset of a spiritual form.
We have this now in the spiritual world where life is infinite. We have not run out of space of course because where we live space is expandable at will. It is a mental plane of energy where form follows thought, not the other way around.
It is as real as earth but expands and contracts at the will of the survivor.
The Ones.
OK. Well I will leave it at that for today. Thanks all for reading this and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura HERE.