My soul led me to express my biggest dream for this lifetime. This dream was to use my natural gifts in service. My natural gifts felt innate to me and craved to express. As I surrendered to their service, a magical current of energy led me here to you. You can unleash your gifts too. You can be led by this current of God’s energy to your path. The first step is to Let Go of control
There is magic in your Soul Purpose. Do you ever wonder who you are and why you came to earth? I did for many years. Then life forced me to fly.
When I took off mystical and magical things began to happen. I began to live as my soul. I was led.

My soul led me to express my biggest dream for this lifetime. This dream was to use my natural gifts in service. My natural gifts felt innate to me and craved to express.
As I surrendered to their service, a magical current of energy led me here to you.
You can unleash your gifts too. You can be led by this current of God’s energy to your path.
The first step is to Let Go of control
What are you trying to control today? The major symptom of control is trying to do something to get something.
Step out of that energy. Just be. A great way to just be is to meditate. So today I invite you to spend a few minutes doing absolutely nothing but just breathe.
Then take five minutes to day dream. You will be amazed at the results. You will feel energized, aerated and exuberant.
Get into the habit of daydreaming. It is great for your soul.
This message was channeled through Laura from guiding beings in spirit.