MANIFESTING TIPS: The Power of the VACUUM. Are you one of these impatient people that gets fearful when you don’t get immediate results?
Lately spirit has been teaching me how to love the void, to not be afraid of the vacuum, the emptiness.
Story 1: The Vacuum is Fun
I have spent an inordinate amount of time alone during a recuperation phase after an accident. What made this rather curious is I loved being alone in a vacuum. I did not feel like being social.
This enjoying being alone lasted beyond my recuperation. I was beginning to think this was now my new normal.
Then suddenly after the new year I felt like being social again.
Story 2: Sowing and Harvesting are Important
The second thing that happened during this time is learning how to achieve results with my financial investments. I have spent twenty two years trying to master what some people are born knowing.
I had been trying to make money from my investments above and beyond a buy and hold strategy.
One of the most important things I recently learned was to embrace the ups and downs of the stock market, rather than fight them.
I began to see positive results as I used a strategy of buying stocks when they were low and selling when they went high.
HOWEVER, it was so hard to NOT sell stocks I owned when they went down. I had to force myself to buy more shares of good companies when they were falling down, but that is exactly when to buy.
Then when the market soared again, I would sell the stocks I had collected during a down market.
Today as I began to take a walk out in the beautiful sun of Florida, I had an epiphany.
Spirit has been teaching me through these two experiences how to embrace the void, the vacuum, as a primary step in manifesting.
I realized at that moment the void is wonderful!

The void is when your energy morphs to match the energy of the desired goal to be manifested.
So how do you encourage your energy to match the vibration of what you desire to manifest?
Relax. Take it easy. Allow the process to unfold.
Not getting results for your manifesting goals is as important as achieving them. It is part of the process.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at
Further study. Here is a wonderful article on the void.
One of the best books I ever read on manifesting.