YOGIC BREATHING FOR MANIFESTATION. Want to breath some life into your dreams? Well, try deep breathing coupled with a few other steps explained here.
About a week ago I randomly found a video on YouTube.com about The Ice Man. This man apparently learned how to overcome grief, heal his heart, never get sick again and withstand freezing temperatures as he climbed Mt. Everest twice in his shorts and swam under freezing water through a hole in the ice.
After his wife committed suicide he was struck with deep, immobilizing shock and grief He could not fall into a faltering state because he had to be there to support and raise their children.
After many failed attempts to gain his strength back he happened across the opportunity to swim in ice cold water. At that moment it hit him.
“This is it. I can breathe deeply, set my intention to swim in this water, overcome the shock of the temperature as well as the health hazard and thrive.”
He did.
Since then there is much written about him.
He claims his results can be reached by anyone that wants to learn his breathing techniques.
Here is the book about the Ice Man.
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Here is a video about Ice Man.
Why does this work?
I have a theory that deep breathing accesses the autonomic (limbic) nervous system. This system is run by the subconscious.
When you breath deeply you can access your subconscious to program it with any desire you have.
On a metaphysical level the subconscious is connected to the superconscious mind. When you set a goal in your subconscious it is then seeded to the superconscious for rapid actualization into the physical realm (provided your soul is in alignment).
We call the MANIFESTING.
I have been using my own version of deep breathing to manifest things I want lately.
Yesterday I was coming down with a flu, or something. As I sat in a theater watching a play I began to do deep breathing.
As I held the breath in my belly I silently screamed at my immune system to kick in and fight the virus, “Heal! Heal! Heal!”
By the time I left the theater I felt like I had won this battle. My fatigue had subsided and I felt that nasty flu virus was gone!
Of course, my story is anecdotal, but The Ice Man claims are being validated by science.
A few times during this past week I used breathing to:
- SLEEP. I did some deep breathing to fall asleep at night and sleep all through the night without waking up! I usually used essential oils for this, but skipped using them. I no longer need them and am sleeping so well!
- ENERGY. Each time I felt really tired, I would do some deep breathing, setting intention to my subconscious to energize me. This worked completely!
- ANXIETY RELIEF. Something stressful in my personal life happened. The deep breathing helped a bit, but not completely.
- MANIFESTATION. I now use deep breathing as part of my daily intention setting and manifesting. This provides a clear and clean manifestation technique. One thing I have noticed since I started this is a shift in my thinking about how to attain an important goal. We will see how this progresses.

Here are the steps.
1. Be in a place where you can concentrate and not be interrupted for at least ten minutes.
2. Lie down or sit back comfortably. You can also do this while walking if you can focus while in movement.
3. Take a deep breath using your belly and abdomen. Deep diaphragmic belly breathing is critical to the success of this method. It places you in a Theta brain wave state, ideal for manifestation.
4. Hold the breath while you silently state your goal simply, with strong intention, DIRECTED INTO YOUR GUT. Ex. Send LOVE.
5. Release the breath.
6. Do at least 3 full sets of this at a time.
If you were to look up Belly breathing, Diaphragmic breathing, Yogic breathing, etc., you would find much information on how the breath connects to healing, relaxing, immune function, lymph system cleansing, toxic cleansing, sleeping and most importantly manifesting goals!
Further study. How yogic breathing can lead to greater connection to your purpose and spiritual flow.
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