Get ready for success. If you are trying to manifest success in your life and you are blocked, getting ready for success is the key to get!
MANIFESTING MIRACLES: Get READY for SUCCESS! One of the most overlooked aspects of successful manifesting is being ready for success.
Are you READY for manifesting success?
The other day I met a man. We were talking about his background.
At a rather early age he gained access to a high lifestyle of emotional and material success.
However, he SABOTAGED IT!
I asked him why this happened and he recounted, “I WAS NOT READY for success.”
In metaphysical terms he did not resonate at the frequency of that lifestyle. Perhaps he felt guilty, not deserving or was not ready for this.
We are going to ask the Ones to comment on being ready for success below the picture.

Dear Spirit Guides (The Ones) can you help us explore how to ready for success?
We are The Ones. We have been listening to you and your parable. It is obvious to us in the spiritual world that wanting something immediately places you at odds with having it.
For wanting is the state of NOT HAVING, the state of duality.
[The state of duality means you perceive your reality as separate from the creative force of God, the universe and all the things you want.]
Again, let us remind you that in our world there is no wanting, there is only having. As soon as we set intention we have what we want. Soon we stop wanting and evolve to having.
We want you to do the same.
One marvelous technique to stop wanting and start having is to be grateful, but in a new way.
The way you have been taught is not effective for each day you have to state again what you are grateful for having.
We suggest you simply say to yourself, “I have now. I AM now. I want now.” And let it go.
Your wanting is not having and your having is not wanting, although both may seem the same.
It is not our pleasure to inform you that wanting is not having.
What we mean by this is that when you want for something you will never have it.
Why? Because wanting is not having.
This may sound like a paradox to you, but think of it this way. Once you decide you want something you do not have it.
Then when you have it you want something new.
It is best to simply be content with what you have now. Soon the next experience will arrive. Want that too.
Do not waste your time on not wanting something.
Rather embrace each moment in the now of liking it, embracing it and enjoying it.
This is the way to be grateful, to want what you have and to have what you want.
We hope this idea can penetrate your mind. It is so important.
Remember the next time you feel you want something simply go to the space of enjoying what you have, remind yourself you have all that you want right now.
You are in the sweet space of existence BECAUSE YOU EXIST not because you have something!
The Ones
How does one go from wanting to having Spirit Guides? This seems so difficult.
THE FIRST STEP TO MOVE FROM WANTING TO HAVING IS TO BECOME AWARE YOU ARE WANTING. This will feel like an unhappiness, a discontent within you.
As you pay attention to your feelings and observe them you become more aware of having them, so observing yourself in any way you can is critical to knowing what you feel.
Once you see the wanting, the yearning, the feeling of not having, then it is your duty to first close the spigot, the flow of wanting.
You need to enter the space of having or at least a space of quiet content.
THIS IS THE ACT (not the thought) OF GRATITUDE!
Then once in this state you can begin to add into your life as motivated all the things you are wanting, but add them in yourself. Do not wait for another or even the universe to bring it to you.
When on earth you have the wonderful gift of resonance. This means that when you want something you have turned this gift off.
When you have something already you have turned this gift on.
The magical law of Resonance means that you begin to create in your life now exactly what you think you want before it has entered your life.
Once you do this you begin to see magical shifts. The first thing that happens is YOU STOP WANTING because you have BEGUN HAVING!
Here is an example.
You want to achieve a loving relationship perhaps leading to marriage, a family, a life partnership.
You do a lot of visualizing, meditating, vision board gazing, and so on believing that “seeing” yourself in this situation is what manifesting is all about.
You remember the phrase, “Ask and ye shall receive,” so you keep asking that God, The Universe, deliver this desired outcome to you.
Yet nothing happens.
What is wrong?
It could be that your life does not reflect readiness for your desire.
What is readiness? Readiness means that your current vibration reflects what you want already.
This is the Law of Vibrational Resonance.
If you want a partner who will improve your life with marriage, a family, partnership. Perhaps this could even include a better home in which to live; one that is clean, neat and organized.
The first step to having this is to stop wanting this.
You have to start HAVING THIS NOW by creating a life filled with loving partnerships, friendships, acquaintances and a sense of family. As well, creating a home that is clean, neat and organized, removing any dirt, mess and chaos.
Here is an exercise for you.
Today ask yourself what you want, what you are yearning to have in your life.
Make a list of the essence of this goal. What innate qualities does it possess?
Now start to create this in your life now. STOP WANTING and START HAVING.
If you want companionship from a love mate, start creating friendships with people at various levels of intimacy from acquaintance to best friend.
If you want to upgrade your economic condition with a mate who has more money than you begin to create a “wealthy” lifestyle for yourself.
Perhaps the essence of wealth means traveling to you. So go “traveling,” by taking short trips you can afford now, reading about different countries, learning a new language and studying various types of luggage for trips.
Without vibrational resonance, which is being ready, you cannot have.
Write down what you desire.
Start mirroring it in your life.
BEING READY FOR SUCCESS is everything to having it.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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