THE MIRACLE OF DESIRE: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

Learning to Manifest Your Desires comes when you ask to manifest service from gifts. All good things are manifest from service.

THE MIRACLE OF DESIRE:  Learning to Manifest Your Desires.

What you ask for is the key to learning to manifest your desires.

What are you trying to manifest right now?  Is it LOVE, MONEY, EXPRESSION, CAREER SUCCESS, WEIGHT LOSS, HEALING?

Whatever you want is more likely to come to you if the desire is based on your soul plan for this life time rather than an EGO desire for compensation.

So if you are asking for something that is coming from an EGO fear of not being good enough, not being adequate, incomplete or lacking in some way you will find the law of attraction will not work for you.

However, when you ask from the Soul perspective of your soul plan to express love, service from gifts, you will find the universe, God, will rush in to support you.

How do I know this?  Because I lived this.  I have spent my entire life learning this.  This theme is my purpose, my service from my soul.

Early on, when I was just 12 years old, my mother began to teach me how to manifest my desires.  When my desire was in accordance with my soul plan of service for this life time, it worked.

When it was not, manifesting did not work, or if I was able to bring in the goal, I would lose what I had attained.

Here is one example of which I speak.

I worked my entire life to obtain monetary wealth, ignoring my natural gift as a Spirit Channel.

I discovered I could channel when I was about 30 years old.  I never studied this, however, through a series of coincidences I stumbled upon my ability to bring in wise beings through channeling

I was surprised, amazed, but this did not influence my choice for a career.  I focused on making money instead of working in service with the Guides to help humanity evolve from healing to happiness.

(This does not mean I was evolved.  No.  It simply means I was supposed to sacrifice my Ego goals of monetary attainment for Soul goals of service.)

It is important to note that a Soul Goal does not necessarily mean you need to be poor!

Perhaps your soul came in this life time to learn about attaining, managing and even dispersing wealth to self and others.


How do you tap into the power of your Soul Plan for this life time so you can manifest your desires with ease?

The first step is to know the difference between an EGO goal, which is Edging God Out through the process of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) goals versus soul service.

Using myself as an example, I wanted to manifest money because I had the fear that I was not good enough without money, I would not survive without a pot load of cash and others would love me more if I had money!


Yep, these were my beliefs.

So I manifested the hard way with work and a strong goal to attain monetary wealth.

By the time I was 46 years old, I retired from my job pretty well off.   My plan was to never work in a job again.

However, all that great financial substance melted away over a period of about 12 years.  Finally after one bad investment after the other, I needed to go back to work to support myself financially.

Luckily for me I had the ability to work with spirit, so this became the way I supported myself.

Funny, how my soul won out in the end.

Not money, honey, but lot’s of service!

I love what I do and the money is always there.  Actually if I am in need I simply ask and there it is.

My life is easier from a work perspective now.  I do not have to get up at 5:30am to exercise, dress and commute to work to do something I really do not enjoy doing.

I work from home in serious effort, but in comfort, with a flexible schedule, little stress and huge amounts of LOVE.

Each time spirit works through me to help someone live a better life, I feel so complete, even though I was just the messenger.

I have found my unique purpose and finally have come to accept it, even though many around me, think the work of a Psychic is like the work of a PSYCHO!

I do get a lot of discrimination.  But I do not care.  I am happy, fulfilled and purposeful.

I have learned that true joy comes from living in accordance with my SOUL PLAN.

Manifesting from your true desires, your soul plan, is the only way to go.

All other methods of manifesting will bring results through hard work.  After you reach the goal you will find having it was not as satisfying as you thought it would be.

You will find it did not bring you what you thought it would and finally it will begin evaporating from your life as soon as you obtain it.

So how do you successfully MANIFEST your desires?  How do you know you are working at a soul level rather than an ego level?

Learning to Manifest Your Desires. This is a painting called “Get That One,” by my sister Carolyn Ann Steward. Find her work at Web:

Here is a way to do this channeled from the Ones.

Ask your heart be opened to what you really truly want, that will serve your greatest purpose and that of the greater good.

Do not ask for something to look better to others. 

The goal needs to come from service from gifts rather than success from succor [relief, aid help].

Succor is getting help.  Service from gifts is giving help.    Move from getting to giving.

When you ask God to work through you, you will be saved from wasting time, hard work and finally loss in the end.

You will find spiritually based goals and desires will help you reach a level of bliss you had not anticipated.

Service from gifts brings more gifts than you realized were possible.

So simply ask that spirit work through you in your life to fulfill your divine purpose of service.

If you want or desire love in a relationship ask the same way.

Ask that your right mate be presented to you in service to this person and your self for higher good.

When you ask for highest good of all and SERVICE you will find your desires are instantly manifested.

Many ask that desires be fulfilled but never ask that they be fulfilled for highest service for all.

Think about this. 

Love relationships are for greater good, for when you are in a harmonious relationship with another you are expressing God consciousness more broadly than when you are in relationship with just yourself.

God consciousness is best expressed when in union with another.

Being alone, while having its unique merits does not serve the greater good as much as being in relationship with another.

Why?  Because God consciousness has a lot to do with the All rather than the individual.

As well, when you ask for a love relationship so you may serve the other person in that union and serve yourself together, you will find it is fulfilled.

Ask for service and your desires will be fulfilled.


Spirit Medium Laura channeling The Ones.

Hi Laura back.

Here is an example of how to ask your desires be manifested.

When I asked to “Use my natural gifts and talents in lucrative and productive service to others,” it was like the heavens opened up.

Financial support from my soul work was immediately manifested.

When I asked for money alone, but no service associated with it, it took a lot of hardship, work and stress.  When finally manifested, I lost most of it.

MONEY MANIFESTING.  Ask for “Success with money (financial success, financial security, lucrative remuneration for service from gifts, lucrative pay for blissful service, etc.) in service to you and the greater good.” 

LOVE MANIFESTING.  I have not tried this yet, but will do so after learning it today from the channeling.  Ask that “Spirit provide the right mate (define this) in service to each other and greater good.”

The usual way individuals ask for a mate is for a person that will serve their needs only, rather than a relationship in service to itself and greater good.   You see the difference?

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