ABUNDANT THINKING: Illness and Abundance

ABUNDANT THINKING: Illness and Abundance. A traumatic physical accident revealed how my lack of abundant thinking created it.

How Accident Happened

Last week I was on a cruise. The second day I had a severe fall in the shower/tub combination of my stateroom.

The Infirmary could do nothing for me and tried to downplay the seriousness of the accident.

I had to withstand extreme pain, loss of mobility and inadequate pain killers for the duration of the cruise.

Finally six days later I staggered off the ship in half a daze as I went to an emergency room. The CAT Scan revealed I had six broken ribs in several places, internal bleeding and fluid build up in lungs.

I am shortening this story for clarity sake, I was finally released from the hospital because my body began to heal itself.

Accident Thinking

In years prior to this accident I had thought and said to others, I am in an insecure place because if anything happened to me physically I could not work to survive financially.

What a DAMAGING thought!

Woman, Face, Social Media, Thoughts, Head, Applications
Thoughts Are Things!

Remember thoughts are things! The more developed your psychic ability the more your thoughts create your reality.

The psychic mind is a powerful mind.

This little story reveals just how powerful a psychic mind is. As I sat in my hospital bed waiting for the attending physician to release me I began to get panicky.

When would he let me out? It seemed like I was waiting an eternity.

Finally I started using my third eye to project to the Doctor “release me now.” I said it over and over again, intensely projecting from my third eye to his.

Suddenly a nurse appeared. She was there to release me!


Channeled Insight

Today I decided to channel on this to seek a healing not only of my body but my abundant thinking. This dramatic event seemed to require I learn from it.

Here are the results.

Dear Spirit Guides, what is the metaphysical meaning of this accident?

We are here. You have thought a lot about money in the past years.

One of your thoughts was “if something happened to me, how could I survive?”

This is the meaning of the accident.

When one lives fully in the flow of abundance they do not think of negative pathways or outcomes. They simply go with the flow of the highest realm leading them forward.

So for you the lesson is to learn how to use the spoken word more carefully. Negativ thinking and words can create negative outcome.

For today you are supposed to think what a blessing the accident was. How it taught you wonderful things about your resilience, power and nature.

You are allowed to fumble at times, makes mistakes and even fall.

You will not be permanently hurt from these back steps. Rather you will be taught your power.

Remember you are a creator as much as anyone on earth is.

The spoken word creates always in so many ways.

Do not take this for granted.

So right now learn the power of the word.

Ask yourself what you can say to yourself and the world right now to create new circumstances of abundance, health and having.

You will find your energy placed in this direction will be well founded. You will receive that outcome.


The Ones

After channeling this I decided to create a list of positive abundant thinking affirmations for my healing on a spiritual level. Here they are.

You can use these affirmations or similar ones for healing your own body.

My affirmations:

  1. I am healing fast and quickly.
  2. It is a blessing to slow down, as I heal.
  3. I return to full function of my body now.
  4. I love my life and am in great health.
  5. I enjoy being healthy.
  6. I ask others for help to heal.
  7. Mu health is available to me. I claim it now.
  8. I am healthy and growing into my health.
  9. As I heal I find my life is more fun and exciting.
  10. Healing is easy.
  11. I claim my healing now.
  12. Today is the first day of my new health!


Spirit Medium Laura

Set your private appointment with spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com

Further Study.