CHANNELED MANIFESTATION TECHNIQUE. How to out of body experience in the simplest form possible to manifest your desires easily.
NEW CHANNELED MANIFESTATION TECHNIQUE: Easy, Simple, Powerful. I was going to write this article about how to use Out of Body Experience to help you manifest.
However, when I went to channel the Ones, I received a new, so very simple and easy technique I never thought about or used.
Read below and be shocked. I asked about using Out of Body Experience. They answered in a completely unexpected way.

Dear Spirit Guides, how does one invoke an out of body state, view the manifesting thought form and then tweak it for faster delivery to the earth plane?
The earth plane is the plane of creation. On earth you are learning how to use your mind to create your matter, or reality.
We in the spirit plane do not have to do this. We already create as a matter of course.
It is natural for us to create at will that which we desire. We do not have to work at manifesting.
Manifesting is simply the natural course of things.
When you feel it you create it. This is how we do it in the spiritual realm.
So to create on the earth plane you can feel it first, then it will be created naturally and automatically.
If you would like to use the Out of Body State or a state where your consciousness is viewing the energy state of your being you can simply go to sleep.
This will give you a chance to see what you are creating while you are creating it.
Use your pillow at night to go into the dream state.
Say before you go to bed these are the things I want to create in this life at this time.
Then when you go to sleep you will naturally dream about these things and bring them forth.
There are not many on the earth plane using this technique at this time
They are trying to manifest by using visualization, mind control and other ways to focus when awake.
We suggest you use the out of body experience of sleep to create your thought forms easier.
Simply as we have said when you go to sleep at night ask yourself to work on the creation process of what you desire.
Have a fully defined project at hand to read off before retiring. Read it to yourself.
Shut off the light and dose in the space of creation, the etheric realm.
The sleep process is vastly underrated for creating your dreams and manifesitng.
The Ones
Aha! Wow! I never would have thought of something as simple as this. Tonight I am going to try it!
How about you?
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with Laura for soul healing to happiness at
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