Feel God Now

It is the weekend and Nina once again is feeling anxious.  What will she do with herself?  She is afraid of being alone and the weekend accentuates this condition. 

She thinks desperately about her friends.  Carol has a boyfriend, so she is not available.  Natalie is out of town on business. 

Nina, a little annoyed at herself for not thinking of this sooner, continues down the list of people she knows, expiring it and her ideas.  Being alone with nothing to do is something Nina fears almost as much as death.

What will Nina do? 

Finally she pulls out the weekly calendar of events for her area.  She finds a Festival of the Arts is happening.  As she does, she glances out her front window, there her neighbor is unloading groceries from her car.

Nina jumps at the opportunity, quickly leaving her house to ask her neighbor to go with her.  Her neighbor accepts, apparently equally as noxious at being alone.

“Whew!” Nina thinks with a sigh of relief, “I don’t have to be alone.  I have something to fill up my time today.  What a relief!”

The energy of earth is one of addiction.  Addiction simply means you are trying to get your power from people, places and things rather than from divine source.   It means you exist in a vibration of duality rather than a vibration of unification.

Duality is separate from God. Unification is connected to God. If you are connected, you are fearless and love filled. Your life flows in a current of real magic. 

Earth’s energy is now shifting from separatism to unification, from ego to soul, competitive to cooperative, from fighting to flowing.   This is one of the major aspects of the Ascension. 

Tools to get you to this new vibration are embedded in most of the work I do as a soul healer.  Spirit channeled a simple system of abundance, which aligns you to source and is very healing and miraculous.  It is called, “LOVE Your Life Abundance Method.”  The first chapter of the e-book on this subject is at this link.  

Addiction does not necessarily mean you are in the gutter taking heroine.  It can mean

1.  you are trying to get someone to act or be a certain way so you can feel complete, peaceful, powerful and loved. 

2.  you feel empty unless you have a romantic partnership.   

3.  you feel embarrassed and shamed if you do not own beautiful things, clothing, car and other material possessions.

4.  you think you need to be in the “in crowd” to be loved, important and recognized. 

5.  you need to always get, be, do and attain bigger and better.  Just being is not enough.

6.  you feel anxious most days and look constantly for a way to silence this anxiety through external experiences.

7.  you feel being alone is like a sentence to the guillotine as you are bereft of an inner life or creative outlet from which to center, align or experience magic.  To put it succinctly, you are empty inside.   

There is no way to complete yourself to find peace, power and prosperity other than learning how to feel God in your day to day life. 

Flow (Photo credit: SB Archer)


If you would like to feel more peaceful, powerful and centered every day it is helpful to thank God for feeling the presence through meditative prayer.

Here is a convenient way to do meditative prayer.   Go to this beautiful sunset.  Set the video to full screen to receive the full impact.  Then say this prayer out loud, or a semblance thereof, as you watch it.


Dear God

Thank you for letting me feel your peace, power and prosperity, if only for a second.

Thank you for letting me feel your peace, if only just a glimpse.

Thank you for letting me feel if only a taste of your power.

Dear God thank you for letting me feel your infinite prosperity.

Thank you for letting me rest if only a moment in the safety of your arms and power

Thank you for letting me feel the comfort and rest ofyour divine love.

Thank you dear God, for letting me know you.

 by Laura Bartolini Mendelsohn (c) 2011


Another way to feel God is to do the following.   Go into a deep meditation using something like Kelly Howell’s music.  Samples can be found for free on Youtube.com.   As you relax into this music, imagine you are made up of 99% empty space and 1% solid matter.  

Imagine swirling all around you is the divine energy of God.  Imagine you are washing this divine energy through each limb of your body.  Feel yourself fill with it, accept and be it. 

Soon with daily practice you will begin to feel more peaceful and centered.  As well, you will be able to manifest more powerfully as you begin to feel the embodiment of this divine energy within yourself. 

The “LOVE Your Life Abundance Method,” program is designed to align you with the peace and power of God in your daily life for greater abundance.  To learn more about this method go here.

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