(Channeled 10/31/10 through Laura Lightseer Mendelsohn.)
You can connect with your own soul to live a better, more wholesome, happier and healthy life.
Success is through the soul connection. You will know you are living as your soul when you stop wanting to get things.
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When one moves from getting to having they are in a new freedom. The freedom of the all that is, for the all that is does not need. It has already.
Do you understand? It has already.
Go within and find the Kingdom of God. Find the wealth within yourself first.
Once you begin to see that it is inside of you already you will not look elsewhere. You will not try to get get, get, get all the time. You will begin having.
For example when a person looks outside of themselves for love they are seeking wealth outside of themselves. When they begin to see that they have all the love they need already inside they will begin to experience the Kingdom of God. They will know how to do this when they stop asking.
That is another paradox. How do I have inside when I do not have yet? All humans look at things this way.
The answer is to look inside through meditation. When you stop seeking and start being you will begin to find you do not want for anything. It is an ironic paradox. When you stop seeking to find something outside of yourself and simply begin to be in the moment, all the things you need start appearing.
It is almost as if these things were there all along and you just did not see them.
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So next time you start to feel anxious that you do not have something in your life, simply get still and have it now. This will usually be in the form of a meditation of some sort even if it is simply sitting outside in nature and contemplating how beautiful the forest looks. It is to get quiet and go within.
When one does this on a regular basis they begin to enter the state of flow. Flow is when you do not have to seek anymore, things just start coming to you.
You contemplate what you want, as if you have it, in quiet introspection.
Then you simply go about your business.
Suddenly you are inspired or someone calls you with an answer you had been seeking or a new client knocks on your door and you did not even set out to get this client directly.
You life starts to take on the stuff of miracles.
The way to go about this is to begin to take time to contemplate your “beingness” regularly. We call this mindfulness.
- Image via Wikipedia
It is important to direct the mind to focus during your contemplation. To ask for what you want as if you have it already is a good form of focus. So if it is money you seek you simply see yourself having money.
You might want to create a symbol of what money is for you. One symbol is best. When you have a symbol and simply direct your focus on it in quiet contemplation, neither wanting it or seeking it but rather having it then in the moment, you will find when you are through you will be led and things will just come to you.
This is what we mean by quiet contemplation.
Here are instructions to create a FREE Self Hypnosis Vision Board to help with your quiet contemplation.
God bless.
Note: Laura Lightseer Mendelsohn is regularly writes and consults on entering the abundant state of flow through soul awakening. She may be contacted at 954 465 7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com for a private appointment. Products for this process will be made available on this website.