The Miracle of Mindfulness

(Transmission from BLUE, light beings who “help earth evolve with love.”  Blue is also the soul level of Masters, just under Ascended Masters.)

You want to know about the miracle of mindful meditation.  Yes there is a miracle from it.

When you are mindful in your daily life your life will flow better.  You will awaken to all of your power, which is not you.

It is God.  When you are mindful you are allowing light to come through, of which you have no power or control over.  It is the light of a higher source called God or infinite mind or whatever you like to call the Deity.

When you are mindful this power or source comes through and you are led like having a beacon of light in the forest.  You are led to something bigger and greater than you.

It is like you have turned your guiding light on and you are no longer alone.  You are in the powerful and hands of loving source which will guide you.

Living meditation then becomes your road to source and to calm, progressed living (“Advanced or developed toward a better, more complete, or more modern state.”  Definition courtesy of Merriam Webster online), where things fall into place instead of them being out of place.

If you do not know how to get to this miraculous place of intuitive flow in your existence you should learn how to pay attention to how you feel more often.

Simply let go of your ego and begin to listen to hear and feel what is going on around you.  You do not have to change anything, simply observe it.  Let things be as they are.

The more you allow things, situations and people to be as they are, the more you enter this magical state of flow which is an intuitive living state, also known as mindful living.

In flow you do not have to control anything.  You do not even have to manifest your good, because your good is always flowing towards you.  You have entered a path of light created before you arrived on earth.  It is your life path or soul purpose.  As you begin to pay attention and relax into your magical flow you begin to live intuitively, which is miraculous.

You will find more and more coincidences will happen to you which are benevolent.  You will be led more often.  This is what flow is.  It is a way of being in the moment, in the now, allowing yourself to be led by a light greater than yourself.

This is also mindful living and that is why we call it miraculous.  We are the monks that work with earth on this.  We are in spirit.  We are the monks of Buddhist origin from the past on earth.

We have taught mindfulness to others for a long, long time.

It is beyond this soul plane, that mindfulness comes.  It is from God.  (Note:  “The soul plane is above the mental plane and is considered the first of the higher worlds.  It exists in the realm of pure Spirit, beyond duality, and it is the home of our true self, Soul.”  Taken from,

The more mindful you are the more you have wonderful things happening in your life.  You will be led all the time and you will receive guidance from source.

If you want to become more intuitive or psychic you need to practice mindfulness, as well.  For this state of living is the opposite of being nervous, out of control and in a quandary.  Mindful living is calm, peaceful and together.  It is connected to something larger than yourself.

Scientists call this the Unified Field from which all things come (“The Unified Field is the base of all mind, at the source of thought. And this Unified Field is also beyond space and time. It’s unbounded and eternal; it’s beyond duality. It’s oneness; it’s unity. It’s beyond all boundaries. It’s unbounded.”  From  Also check  When you are living in the moment you are always connected to the Field or the place from which all knowledge resides.  This is the mind of God.  The more you do this the more psychic you become.

Do not be afraid of being psychic.  Being psychic is a good thing.  It is not bad, ugly or evil.  It is God like.

So many on earth think psychic is the work of the devil.  Quite the opposite.  Being psychic is the work of the Deity.  It is the Deity gift to you so that you can live a more powerful existence and be led more often.

If you use psychic ability to hurt or harm another it is evil of course.  Another misuse of it is to try to control outcome or to make something happen.

Psychic ability is here to help humans on earth live better and more productive lives.  Use it for yourself and you will thrive.
