How to Become a Millionaire. Set a goal to express your talents in service to others. Focus on it daily. The flow of Divine Destiny will activate.
How To Become a Millionaire. After setting a goal to become a millionaire, the universe worked with me to achieve this goal, but then took it back.
After many years of floundering in the flood of foolishness from this failure, I began to glacially glean the reason this happened.
The reason this happened is that when we shift from service for the greater good to meaningless money honey (money for money’s sake), the energy that creates wealth is missing.
If you are trying to gain more affluence in your life, you need to ascertain what is the service behind the money? As soon as you determine what that is, money will flow to you like a flood of melted snow in the spring down a mountain brook.
During the acquisition of money phase I believed my service was to help herald in the new age of information, as part of an army of spirit soldiers on earth incarnated to do so. I believed my soul had signed up for this role.
[From a spiritual perspective it can be hypothesized technology supports the evolution of consciousness, awareness and empathy. This could lead to the conclusion technology is good. ]
After I made the money working hard in the software industry, I thought my “job” was over. I wanted and tried to sit on a pile of cash feeling like a fat cat forever.
Ah, but spiritual law does not support money for money’s sake. Spiritual Law supports exchange of energy. You will have affluence when you are engaged energetically in exchanging service.
This is the Spiritual Law of Dharma.
“Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance,” taken from

So how do you commandeer the power of the universe to Become a Millionaire?
Find your service. Do your service. The money will flow from this. But remember to ask for money from service, as this is a critical step.
Here are some suggested steps.
- Set a good goal. A good goal for millionaire status might be, “I want to express my natural talents and gifts in service to others, for highest good and financial remuneration to me of millionaire status. I want to become a millionaire using my natural gifts and talents in service to others.”
- Spend five to fifteen minutes a day thinking about this goal, even better journal on it. Do not place pressure on yourself when you do this. Simply place your attention on the goal, thinking about it, writing down any ideas that come to mind about attaining it.
- Follow your heart. Go with the Divine Flow you have placed in action by bathing in your goal each day! Divine Flow is best activated when you have a clear head, feel great and are filled with energy. This is why being physically healthy is so important!
- You might get an idea suddenly.
- You might hear something from a friend.
- You might receive a gift, or opportunity.
- Execute! I know this might sound obvious, but so often we do all the work to get to the door, but we do not go through the door. GO THROUGH THE DOOR!
- Do not let fear of failure or any other negative thing affect you. Perhaps help from a spiritual guide can work you through the fear, lack of confidence or whatever it is that is holding you back.
Here is some channeling from The Ones on How to Become a Millionaire.
Dear Spirit Guides, how does one become a millionaire in the earth vibration?
It is the LOVE vibration that brings wealth nothing more or less. LOVE means you are in service. The more you are in service to the greater good, the more you will find affluence will come to you.
This is very simple.
So if you are not affluent you need to find the service behind the request for money.
When you are helping others, the money will flow to you.
The wider the impact of the help, the greater the affluence.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with your Angelic Guides through Spirit Medium Laura at
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