How to Create Miracles. TRANSCENDENCE will move you beyond physical limitations to spiritually miraculous to directly create new conditions in your life.
TRANSCENDENCE: How to Create Miracles. Intuitive Art for Miraculous Manifesting.
TRANSCENDENCE will move you beyond physical limitations to the spiritually miraculous to create new conditions in your life from intention.
“When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations. The word is often used to describe a spiritual or religious state, or a condition of moving beyond physical needs and realities. One way to achieve transcendence spiritually might be to fast.” Taken from
Spirit started talking to me about the metaphysics of creation in my last post, “Is TRUTH REAL? How to Access TRUTH.”
Spirit talked about how in their dimension creation occurs spontaneously. There is no cause and effect. There is no need for belief because they have evolved beyond duality.
There simply is the act of setting intention and allowing it to occur.
I did not really understand this when I channeled it from them, but dutifully, at the risk of seeming insane, published it as I was supposed to do.
Spirit was getting ready to explain how to go into the plane of creation (The Zero Point Field) at will using TRANSCENDENCE. Today you are going to learn how to transcend the logic, duality and difficulty of manifesting from the illusory physical plane, to a higher frequency at will.
In this vibration creation simply is intention!
This is not Transcendental Meditation, but there is a similarity in that the meditative space is the place of transcendence.
Read on.,.
Using a few carefully chosen steps which include setting intention,drawing with your eyes closed, listening to a relaxing meditation you will enter into what is called “The Zero Point Field.”
The Field is the gateway to the collective unconscious, ESP, spiritual healing and manifesting.
“Everything is connected by the Zero Point Field (ZPF), a sea of energy that reconciles mind with matter, classic science with quantum physics, and science with religion,“ states Lynn McTaggart, author of “The Field.”
I have tried doing this a couple of times already and each time I feel like I created something new, like I have shifted into a new vibration where the struggle no longer exists, just a place of peacefulness, clarity, hope, and healing. I feel happier than before I did it!
YOU WILL BE AMAZED at the results. I have already done one with my mother in spirit. She clarified some very big life decisions I need to make.
Another one was done with my Higher Self to unblock, have faith and know what to do to reach an important goal I wanted. Afterwards I felt so peaceful, like what I wanted was well on its way and knew then what I needed to do to allow it.
EXTRAORDINARY RICHES of TRANSCENDENCE. Transcendence can unleash the most extraordinary riches. In The Field you can potentially.
- Speak with your Intuitive Higher Self (your soul)
- Gain deep, wise guidance from The Collective Unconscious.
- Shift your energy; your vibration.
- Talk to other souls, including your pets or those in spirit.
- Manifest goals like love, money, ideal weight, healing.
- Release blocks.
- Heal a specific wound, illness or limitation like fear, grief or anxiety.
- Re-frame experiences.
- Reprogram beliefs.
- Gain a new, fresh outlook.
- Etc.
HOW YOU WILL FEEL AFTERWARDS. You will feel centered, peaceful and light, like a balanced state has been activated.
EASY TO DO. RELAX, SIT BACK and RELY on Your Intuitive Self. It will keep directing you to choose the right colors and draw the right shapes in the right places on the page (even though your eyes are closed) to create your desired result (intention) accessing the power of The Field.

EXERCISE: Here is the way to do it. You can practice on your own if you like.
Supplies needed:
- Plain white paper; 8.5″ X 11″
- Box of colored crayons or pencils
- Flat surface to place the paper
- Crayons or colored pencils in an easily accessible container
- Quiet time of at least 5 to 30 minutes
- Relaxing meditative audio to play in the background
BEGIN – PLAY MUSIC. Play any meditation audio which makes you feel relaxed, peaceful and happy. Here is one I love.
REVIEW MEANING of COLORS. Even though your eyes will be closed during this exercise you will still pick the right colors because your subconscious (Intuitive Self) will correctly direct you. I know this may sound weird or not true, but the more relaxed and trusting you are, the more this will happen!
Your subconscious knows everything. It does not need your physical eyes to see. Think of the many Near Death Experience stories of people correctly “seeing” what is going on around them when they were not conscious.
This is the type of access you will have during this exercise! And it is so easy to activate!
COLOR MEANINGS. This poster reveals the universal language of color. You can use it when reviewing your results later as needed. Go HERE to view:
SET INTENTION. Be indulgent! Set high intentions that might seem impossible to your every day mind. You can use this TRANSCENDENCE method to do almost everything except wash your floors. Well, hey, maybe that is possible too!
Some possible intentions might include:
- Improve self esteem.
- Ideal weight.
- Find LOVE.
- Talk to my pet.
- Achieve abundance.
- Talk to my estranged partner or friend on soul level.
- Communicate with grandma in spirit. Etc.
- Plain white paper.
- Flat surface to draw.
- Personal box of crayons in a container (paper plate?) in front of you.
- Write your INTENTION at the top of the page on its side (landscape view).
- Draw line down middle of page.
- Anything on left is the resources, foundation and background.
- Anything in middle is current condition, situation and status.
- Anything on right is potential, future and results.
ASK INTUITIVE HIGHER SELF. Now ask your Intuitive Higher Self to lead you through this exercise so you can attain your INTENTION, stating it as if it were a prayer to your Higher Self.
PRAYER. “Please Higher Self, allow my hands to pick the right colors, scribble the right words, lines, graphics in the right places on the page to obtain my intention of [restate your intention].” FOCUS deeply as you do this.
CHOOSE CRAYON. Now ask your Intuitive Higher Self to choose the right crayon. YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY BE LED CORRECTLY.
CHOOSE LOCATION. Now ask to be brought to the right place on the page to begin using it: Left, Middle or Right. YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY BE LED CORRECTLY.
- You might hear instructions, which you can write on the paper with your eyes closed.
- You do not have to hear anything. Be open.
- You might feel to draw a certain line, squiggle, symbol. Do so with your eyes closed.
- You might get both.
HOW THIS FEELS. It will feel like you are talking to yourself! However, you are talking to YOUR HIGHER SELF (your soul) and other souls while in an intuitive meditative state, gaining a valuable experience, information and/or shift.
READING YOUR MESSAGES. Even though some of the written messages you write might not be legible afterwards, they were heard by your subconscious causing a shift in you while they were being received!
Some messages on the page will be legible afterwards. Those messages that are legible, were intended to be so by your Higher Self.
Simply go with the flow.
When through you will feel soft, peaceful, protected, healed and happier. Your Intuitive Higher Self shifted you from HEALING to HAPPINESS!
DISCUSSION. After you have completed the exercise, you can review it with yourself or intuitive friends of yours to get what is there.
Well there you have it! A fun, relaxing and liberating way to TRANSCENDENCE so you can move beyond physical limitations to the spiritually miraculous, creating new conditions in your otherwise seemingly limited environment.
Miracles know no limitations. They are simply created in The Field.
Spirit Medium Laura
Set your private experience with Laura at
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