LAW OF ATTRACTION: Energy and money. The more I stay on point for what I value, love and do, the better my prosperity. Here’s how I do this.
A fun exercise I do almost every day is to write down what I don’t like about my life right now. Then next to this I write the opposite.
I use this information to create a healing “treatment” for my soul and all its magnetic power.
For example, let’s say I don’t like being in a career where those in it are seen as having low integrity, intelligence and values.
Next to this I write: I love being respected for high integrity, intelligence and values.
Then I make this into an affirmation such as, “I AM good, I AM good, I am noticed as one who’s good. “
My test for this affirmation is how I feel after I say it. Do I feel good or bad? Do I feel energized or do I feel depressed?
LAW OF ATTRACTION: Energy and Money
The high energy feeling is the one I seek. After this I run off and chant my affirmation as much as needed to feel good. I usually say mine during meditations or long walks.
When it no longer feels good to say the affirmation, the healing treatment has been completed. Then I wash and repeat this for new “issues” as they crop up in my life.
LAW OF ATTRACTION: Energy and Money
I am available for Spiritual Coaching Sessions where I psychically use the channeled system from spirit called “SOUL ABUNDANCE” to help you realize your dreams for this life time and beyond.
Just call go to BookLaura.com to contact me and set your healing appointment.
Love you all and have a great day!