The MIRACLE of NURTURING. Learn how nurturing yourself and others could be the difference between living a life of misery or magnificence.
NURTURE: The MIRACLE of NURTURING. Nurturing yourself and others could be the difference between living a life of misery or magnificence.
There is a strong movement in our culture, starting within the Millennial segment, to nurture personal freedom to gain meaning in life.
Many are “seeing” the light. They are seeking work they love, travel, low overhead, and the most significant thing of all, personal freedom.
The traditional norm has been to get a great education (but that creates significant debt), get a great job (but that can consume you with 60 -80 hour work weeks and meaningless business), save for a home, buy it, (but that can create 30 years of debt payoff), etc.
Many people are not meant to live in this matrix. They seek more personal meaning, expression in their life. Buying “things” just does not excite them.
They want to work at something they love, something they find meaningful, perhaps giving back or simply expressing themselves.
They want to nurture their soul.

I mention this concept because perhaps these ideas can nurture you in a positive way. Maybe you have felt incomplete with the traditional path, and yearn for something more, but just did not know what.
I was this way when I was younger. I was very much interested in early retirement when I was younger. I did accomplish it by accumulating a boat load of money.
However, the money melted away. At this point I discovered I could still live a meaningful life for me by creating this business I do today.
I work at something I love, that is meaningful to me and hopefully helpful to others. (BIG SMILE.)
So how do you traverse the path from meaningless to meaningful? How do you step outside of the sleeping state of life into the reality of excitement, expression and evolution.
How do you nurture your magnificence?
It is easy. Simply BE YOURSELF.
In order to be yourself, you must spend time alone, in contemplation of your feelings. You need to become aware of how you feel or don’t feel about everything that passes your path.
The more you awaken from quiet desperation, silent, soft depression, denied disappointment the more you will awaken to a new life.
A life of excitement, feeling alive, expressing your ideas, evolving to participate in your soul’s service this life time.
Why are you on earth anyway?
Now, of course, if the traditional path works for you, provides enough joy, then, well, stay where you are. Your soul’s service could very well be in this format.
But if you feel something is missing, I suggest try the path of authenticity, being yourself and living your inner truth!
Here is a brief video of a young woman who personifies these ideas. She has learned how to live rent free, did some soul searching to get in touch with what she really wants to do for work, and now has an “outside the box,” plan to do it.
This plan does NOT include becoming a millionaire.
She wants to live the life she loves, do meaningful work as an artist, and is willing to forgo a bit of comfort to get to this.
There are many ways to arrive at this place. Mr. Mustache has another path.
He is all about leaving the rat race, retiring young, but minimalism, shrewd planning, saving and optimizing his budget to get to early retirement.
Please do not get discouraged about becoming a millionaire. There are many ways to retire early without a large nest egg. Don’t wait for your nest egg to hatch.
Here is some channeling from the Ones on this subject.
Dear Spirit Guides can you comment on the minimalist movement and what that means from a spiritual perspective?
There is minimalism in your society now, but minimalism was always there. Many earlier people lived the minimalist way.
We do not say this lightly as being a minimalist is not about letting go of materialism.
Being a minimalist is about living your life the way you want to live it, not the way others have told you to live it.
So many think this it is about not being materialistic. This is a mistake.
Materialism is a distraction, yes, particularly in modern society.
Minimalism is about letting go of societal standards of what you should be in place of what you want to be or could be.
You as a soul have a mission on earth. Each one of you does.
It is up to you to AWAKEN to who you are, remember who you are, and then complete that task on earth.
What is your mission? What have YOU come to earth do do?
Each of you has a reason for being on earth and we can guarantee you it is not about getting love, shelter or attaining any material life goals.
It is about finding out who you are, what is your gift, your unique way of seeing and being that can awaken others to their path.
You are “awakeners,” helping others awaken to their magnificence.
So being in service is being a nurturer of others.
Those who are most evolved on earth awaken others through NURTURING!
So if your work does not help others awaken, then find work that does. When you find this work, even if it is not a job, but simply your role in life, do this.
Helping others awaken to their magnificence is what life is all about.
It will give you GREAT JOY! This is the path to evolving.
The path to your magnificence is to help others discover theirs.
Love and blessings,
The Ones
Wow! As usual, the Ones have surprised me. I thought they were going to talk all about how becoming less materialistic was part of evolving spiritually.
But instead they planted the idea that helping others discover their magnificence through a nurturing function is what spiritual evolution is all about!
This brought into my mind a documentary I watched last night on TV. It was about triplets separated at birth through an adoption agency.
They became part of a psychological research project. Each child had a different type of father. The “experiment” was to observe how being genetically identical could be impacted by the environment.
One father was
- Critical.
- Supportive but not around a lot.
The triplet with the father that told his son everything he did was WONDERFUL flourished in life the most. The triplet with the supportive father who was not around a lot did alright in life.
HOWEVER, the triplet whose father was critical and a disciplinarian, committed SUICIDE later in life!
This documentary was extremely profound.
The Ones brought it all together for me today.
Be a nurturer. Tell YOURSELF and OTHERS they are GREAT!
In so doing humanity awakens to its greatness, not the other way around.
Love & blessings
Spirit Medium Laura
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Further Resources
Find Your True Calling and GET PAID to Do So.
Further Reading.
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