PAST LIVES: How do you know you have had them?

How do I “know” I have had a past life? Got this question on Facebook recently so thought I would answer in general.
No one can really “know” in an absolute way whether they had a past life or not. However, taking your question less literally I would say the best way to gain an understanding of your past lives is to:
1. Be hypnotically regressed. This will pull from you meaningful past lives if done with a skilled professional.
2. Ask you remember past lives before you go to bed at night. In morning start to keep a dream journal and write down exactly what you remember of your dreams within 5 minutes of arising. This is a way to “know” you have had a past life by remembering it in a dream.
PAST LIVES: If you did research on the reincarnated Buddha you would find all sorts of fascinating “evidence” of reincarnation.
3. Pay attention to cultures, languages, locations you feel drawn to. This could be the hint of past lives you have spent there.
If you have “knowledge” of something you never studied which exists in that culture, this can be taken as “evidence” of a life time you have spent in that culture learning that information.
Read about how past life remembrance is part of the identification process of the reincarnated Buddha.
PAST LIVES: My favorite way of “knowing” is through innate talents.
4. Being born with genius level talent (musical, creative, scientific, etc.) so exceptional, the only explanation seems to be reincarnation. Ex. Beethoven.
Hope this helps!
Love, Laura