Viewing Past Lives When In Spirit

Ever wonder how it is to view your past lives when you pass to spirit?

I have been reading this fascinating book by Jeffry Marks called “The Afterlife Interviews.”  In this book Jeffrey channels several individuals who have passed to spirit with their sitters present for validation.   

The purpose of these channeling sessions is to hear what the soul has to say about the world of spirit, the transition process, how soul mates relate, how we choose our family and other fascinating mysteries.

I am going to use this book as the basis for some exercises in the Halloween Psychic School class 10/21/12.  Go here to register.  We are going to channel some famous people on the subjects Jeffrey Marks explores in his book.

One of the most fascinating sections is about how souls view their other lifetimes when they are in spirit.  I thought before the book that once you are in spirit you become one with all your other lifetimes.  The book reveals a different concept.

When a soul leaves the body their identity from the life time they were in remains separate from the other lifetimes.  The author likens the relationship between lifetimes to that of a sibling.  Each lifetime is its own person to you, like a brother or sister.

A soul can go and see those other lifetimes, even converse with these other aspects of self.  But the soul remains its own separate identity.

Soul Book (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Another way to view it is like fingers on your hand.  Your hand is the over soul, the fingers are different lifetimes of the over soul.

When in spirit you can view other life times by accessing the Akashic records in a book or on a screen.  If you want you can actually enter the lifetime you were in and converse with this aspect of self.

Most individuals in spirit choose not to do this if the emotions surrounding that life time are still packed with value.  It is only after rectifying open issues that one can view another life times up close and personal.

Another fascinating subject revealed in the book is the notion of time.  How do souls experience time or do they at all?  If they do not what is it like to live in a timeless space?

The answer revealed in the book is that time does exist for them, but it is more like a watching a video with the added advantage that you can enter the video at any place in the time line.   You can go to the past, stay in the present or fast forward ahead to the future.

You have in spirit complete flexibility with time, yet you can create the illusion that it is sequential.  It is very interesting, and certainly a bit mind boggling for those of us so located in time as to not have the freedom to change it. 


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