“You have no children because in your life previous to this one, you were the head mistress of an orphanage. You took care of children that entire lifetime. This lifetime you chose to live a life focused on yourself and your own challenges.”
My jaw dropped. I was sitting in a Spiritualist Church service as a psychic medium went through the room giving out messages. I indeed had no children in this life time, but could not for the life of me figure out how she knew this. This was many years before I began my own spiritual development.
- Image via Wikipedia
“You were an orphan in your last life in the middle east. You died as a child from an illness all alone. This lifetime you have chosen to be the one who takes care of others. You have no children of your own.”
The recipient of this message looked at me with a quick eye. He had adopted four children in this lifetime but had no biological children of his own.
This message was delivered during an Akashic Records workshop I was facilitating at the time.
There are certification classes in reading the Akashic Records. While this type of training is necessary for those who are still developing their psychic skills, if you have already done quite a bit of development, you can use a more direct route.
This technique involves a self induced trance state with a guided meditation to go to the Akasha.
The Akashic Records can be accessed as well through your connection to your spiritual guides or through an out of body experience. Since both these techniques do involve going into a trance state the real technique to access the Akashic records is through trance coupled with the intention to read them.
The Akashic Records can be used to gain any and all information about your soul, healing, soul mates, karmic situations, past and future lives. One of the most amazing uses for the Akashic Records is being able to see a life in the future 1,000s of years ahead.
Note: For an Akashic Reading contact Laura Mendelsohn at 954 465 7338 or email at PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com