The medium needs to occasionally ask the sitter (the client) to verify in the form of a simple “yes” or “no” the validity of information obtained.
Did you ever watch the “Long Island Medium” on the Learning Channel? I delight at this program.
The show highlights Teresa Caputo, a highly respected and certified medium by the Forever Family Foundation. Displaying a colorful and amusing personality, she leaps from one Other Side feat to another.
However, she asks so many leading questions I am a bit “haunted” by her style.

This does not mean it is wrong for the medium to ask questions during a session. Like building a castle from little blocks of stone, a discernment needs to be constructed, one little fact at a time. The medium needs to occasionally ask the sitter (the client) to verify in the form of a simple “yes” or “no” the validity of information obtained.
If the sitter says the material delivered is incorrect, the medium needs to go back and double check what was received from spirit. The material is either corrected or the one in spirit insists on the exact same thing again.
When this occurs a small miracle is happening! An opinion distinct and separate from the sitter is strong evidence there is another mind present, the mind of the loved one in spirit.
Take the information away with you from the session and consider it. There are several benefits in doing this.
Firstly, you open the possibility to discover evidence which had been hidden from you.
Secondly, you keep the energy high so the line of communication with spirit remains clearly open. In this space excellent evidence can be obtained. When you clamp down and insist something is not correct, you shut down the energy and thus you close the line of communication with spirit.
When you work with a medium this way, you can achieve the best results. Things that would have been repressed won’t be. Your loved one will have a chance to speak.
I had a client come to me for mediumship. The loved one in spirit stated he had taken his own life. When I tried to find out the method used, the soul was evasive, as is quite often the case with suicides.
The client was very patient with this. Because of this, the method of suicide, which was extremely unique, eventually slipped out, providing jaw dropping evidence.
If the sitter had not been that flexible, the connection with spirit would have been terminated without revealing as much as was. The client left totally convinced of the reality of spirit, offering her much healing and closure.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Spirit Millionaire Manifesting, Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Millionaire Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.